During this unique period when lodges are unable to meet, a series of podcasts are being offered to assist masters and secretaries (which includes chapter principals and scribe Ezra’s) to help lodges survive the COVID-19 lockdown.
Robert Lomas is a British writer, physicist and business studies academic. He writes primarily about the history of Freemasonry. Robert was scheduled prior to the suspension of meetings, to give a talk at White Hills lodge No 5209 within our Province, but unfortunately at that time great concerns were developing over COVID-19 and hence his talk didn’t happen. However, this inspired Robert to develop a number of his talks as podcasts to be made available to lodges, at the WM’s request, ideally so that brethren can use them on a day when they should have been holding a regular meeting.
Robert Lomas’s podcast on his podcasts can be listened to by clicking here.
The podcasts offered are private to each subscribing lodge member. This material would normally be delivered within a tyled lodge, and the copyright for the work remains with Robert. Some groups within our Province are already using Roberts podcasts.
To read an overview of the podcast distribution policy offered to Masonic lodges click here
The podcasts can be shared as a simple email attachment, no additional software is required to utilise this initiative. It is like listening to a radio broadcast by simply clicking the attachment at a time convenient to yourself. Obviously, the podcasts must not be shared outside the circulation of each individual lodge, they should be kept safe or deleted after use. They must never be shared on social media or websites.
A list of available podcasts can be found by clicking here
A list of the synopsis of all the podcasts can be found by clicking here
Any master / principal or secretary / scribe Ezra can, if they wish subscribe directly to Robert as a facilitator. However, the Provincial Grand Mentor Stewart Cranage is willing to act as facilitator for any lodge or chapter within West Lancashire who may be interested in taking advantage of this initiative.
To enrol your lodge or chapter into this initiative please complete the request form by clicking here.
For further information contact Stewart Cranage, by email at mentor@provinceofwestlancs.org