Community Engagement is a central tenet of our philosophy, and Freemasons, as caring members of our communities, will seek to engage and support them, both locally and nationally, be it with a kind word, helping hand, or with financial assistance.

The ethos of modern Freemasonry is: respect, friendship, integrity and service, and where possible support for international, national and local charities, helping those less fortunate than ourselves, in our own local communities.
To give freely of one’s time is the most precious gift that can be given. Whether it’s helping to clear beaches of rubbish, acting as marshals for community events, supporting cash strapped schools to give light to their classrooms by removing overgrown shrubbery or collecting food to donate to those in real need, our members in West Lancashire are very much involved with their communities. We support many of the junior uniformed organisations such as Scouts, Guides and Boys Brigade as well as local schools and smaller charities.
We are proud that from its earliest days, Freemasonry has been involved in all aspects of charitable activities, and since its inception it has provided support for many widows and orphans of Freemasons as well as for others within the community.
All monies raised for charity are drawn from amongst Freemasons, their families and friends. Grants and donations are made to Masonic and non-Masonic charities alike.
Freemasonry has an enviable record of providing regular and consistent financial support to individual charities over long periods, while at the same time making 1,000s of grants to local charities and projects throughout England and Wales each year.