A warm welcome from David Atkinson to the Mersey Valley Group.
The Mersey Valley Group of lodges and chapters is one of 17 groups that make up the Province of West Lancashire. We meet at five venues, the Freemasons suite located at Woolton Golf Club in Woolton Village and Garston Freemasons Hall, Liverpool, Widnes Masonic Hall, Prescot Masonic Hall and St Helens Masonic Hall
The new group consists of 38 lodges and 14 Royal Arch chapters, overall the group is home for more than 900 Freemasons.
We pride ourselves on supporting a wide range of charitable causes. This is achieved through individual lodge donations, the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and the Masonic Charitable Foundation. Our members provide substantial financial assistance to those less fortunate than ourselves and who are in need and distress in the community across our area by for example, supporting foodbanks and children’s playgroups etc. All of our charitable giving is provided directly by our own members.
If you are interested in becoming a Freemason or if you would like more information, please contact one of our Group Membership team whose details are on this website. He will be able to answer any questions you or your partner may have about Freemasonry in general and to satisfy any reservations and concerns you may have about the ideals of Freemasonry.
If you are already a Mason who is unattached from a lodge or if you have relocated to our or the surrounding areas, we would be very pleased to welcome you to our Group.
W Bro David T Atkinson
Group Chairman