Over the last 12 months, Starkie Lodge No 1070 has initiated a massive six men into Masonry. No one is to rest on their laurels as they worked yet another a double initiation ceremony on a wet and windy night in Southport. At the same time, they were honoured to have the presence of the Provincial Membership Officer Neil Ward, the Southport Group Membership Officer Chris Taylor and the Southport Group Chairman Phil Stock, all keen to support this exceptional lodge.

The fantastic growth the lodge has been seeing is perhaps best evidenced by the fact the evening’s candidates came to Starkie Lodge from different backgrounds. While one candidate was proposed by a friend who is already a proud member of Starkie Lodge, the other made contact with the group online as he independently wanted to join this wonderful fraternity. Both candidates arrived early at the hall and were enthusiastically looking forward to the evening.
Master of the lodge Craig Clifford first opened and conducted the business of the lodge in his customary confident style. The ceremony commenced with Starkie Lodge showing its depth with Dave Parker acting as junior deacon, Alan Taylor as acting senior deacon and Alan Cornes acting as junior warden. The two candidates, Mike Lyall and Gary Williams were then initiated in a wonderful ceremony, with Starkie Lodge showcasing its high standards in ritual and the candidates enjoying it a great deal. Alex Myles assisted the master by performing the north east corner and Kevin Ruane confidently performed the difficult task of the Charge after Initiation. To showcase high standards of the lodge are in safe hands for the future, a perfect presentation of the first degree working tools was delivered by a fellow craft who was only initiated himself in April 2024!
The other thing Starkie Lodge is famous for is its charitable spirit. A collection for the almoner’s funds raised £117 and before the lodge was closed, a proposal was passed to donate £1,070 to various charities. With the ceremonial aspect of the evening being concluded, the evening moved on to its more celebrative and fraternal aspects. The members first enjoyed refreshments at the bar before sitting for a fantastic meal of melon, turkey and Christmas pudding.
During the festive board, several toasts and speeches were done, including the very important toast to the initiates. The brothers, Mike and Gary, then stood and gave their first Masonic speeches, which were received with spontaneous applause and cheers. Also, as is traditional in Starkie Lodge, our new brothers received the Initiates Song, performed by Alan Cornes and then followed the Masonic chain, which was led by Peter Stones. Not being satisfied with their exceptional charitable efforts in lodge, a further collection during the meal raised an extra £175.
Between the exceptional ritual, the impressive charity donation and fraternal spirit at the festive board, the new members can have been in no doubt they had joined a truly exceptional lodge, and long may Starkie Lodger continue to grow from strength to strength.