Brethren and guests of Anfield Lodge No 2215 met the Geoffrey Hirst Masonic Suite within Woolton Golf Club to pass a brother who had not been able to attend for a while. The ceremony was conducted to a very high standard and was enjoyed by all who were present.

After the passing ceremony, the brethren retired to the dining room to hold another successful White Table event. There were 17 members of Anfield Lodge in attendance, which included one grand officer, Assistant Provincial Grand Master Andrew Whittle; there were a further 12 visitors, which included two grand officers.
The Mersey Valley Group Chairman David Atkinson, Mersey Valley Group Membership Officer Chris Lyon and several other brethren, four of whom representing three other lodges who had prospects joining their lodges from the Members Pathway, attending the festive board White Table event.
The brethren and guests were joined at the festive board by four non-Masonic guests and future prospects. The festive board was enjoyed by all and the four future candidates, three of whom are from the Members Pathway, for three different lodges. Thanks go to Chris Lyon, Mersey Valley Group Membership Officer and secretary of Anfield Lodge, who organised the evening.