The Liverpool Group Chairman Dave Johnson had the honour and pleasure to welcome the Deputy Grand Master, Sir Michael Snyder, on an informal visit to Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope St, Liverpool. Sir Michael was visiting Liverpool on a social weekend break with his wife.

Sir Michael had contacted Peter Taylor, the Provincial Grand Secretary, prior to his visit and expressed a wish to informally visit the hall. Arrangements were soon in hand for Dave to be in attendance to provide an escorted tour of the building.
Sir Michael was very impressed with the Adams Suite, Roman Suite, the Main Banqueting Suite and most especially the splendid Egyptian Suite. He was struck by the beautiful decoration of the Egyptian Temple and commented that there can’t be many Royal Arch temples in the country to match its splendour.
The Egyptian Temple is permanently set up for use as a Royal Arch Temple which removes the need for the room to be re-furnished after every meeting. He was impressed also by the façade of the building especially given its prime location on such a famous street in the city centre.
Dave explained the use of the hall by various theatre groups, dance and drama groups, language and first-aid classes, local cadet force groups plus the Arts Bar at the front of the building, which all enhance the hall’s community engagement strategy. Sir Michael was pleased to note that not only did these activities fit well with the Community Engagement Strategy but also provided for the long-term financial stability of the hall.
Overall, Sir Michael thoroughly enjoyed his visit and asked Dave to convey his congratulations and gratitude to the brethren and companions of the Liverpool Group most especially the Directors and trustees of the hall for the sterling work being done to provide such a magnificent home for Freemasonry at the heart of the great city of Liverpool.
Sir Michael thanked Dave for his ‘guided tour’ of the building, assuring Dave that he would be taking home some lovely memories of his visit to Liverpool. He asked that his very best fraternal greetings and best wishes be conveyed to the brethren of Liverpool, adding that we have a Masonic hall that we can be extremely proud of.
David Johnson, Liverpool Group Chairman.