Brethren of Townley Parker Lodge No 1032 welcomed a new member in a friendly and family filled initiation ceremony. The lodge was opened promptly at 6:30pm, and shortly after opening, salutations were given to the visiting principal guest Paul Hesketh, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals and uncle to the candidate.

Following a successful ballot, Thomas Hesketh was initiated into Freemasonry, following an exemplary display of ritual from Peter Leigh. The working tools of the first degree were delivered by Connell Blackburn-Green, with the first degree charge to be delivered in a future meeting.
Townley Parker brethren were pleased to see such good support from visiting brethren, with the numbers increased by three family members supporting the evenings initiate. Thomas’s grandfather, Bobby Keen occupied the senior warden’s position as a member of Townley Parker, with Thomas’s other grandfather Albert Hesketh also visiting alongside his uncle, Paul Hesketh.
The lodge was closed in harmony and peace before the brethren retired to enjoy a delightful festive board and to celebrate the start of Thomas Hesketh’s Masonic journey.