At the Masonic Hall in Prescot, the Chapter of Lebanon No 86 installed its three principals for the forthcoming year in the presence of its principal guest, Past Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals Colin Rowling, the representative of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews.

First principal Neil Taylor opened the chapter promptly at 6:00pm with the assistance of his co-principals Graham Barker and Sandy Kean. Scribe Ezra Paul Brunskill informed the companions that he had received dispensation from the Provincial Office to conduct the election of the three Principals and other officers for the upcoming year.
Director of ceremonies Ian Halsall then retired from the chapter to form the procession. Upon re-entering, he announced that Colin Rowling, Past Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, was outside and sought admission. Colin entered, accompanied by David Atkinson, Group Chairman of Mersey Valley Group, along with acting Provincial grand officers; John Gibbson and Mike Fox. The three principals warmly welcomed Colin, after which he took his seat.
The ceremony of installation began with James Weaver delivering the opening address to the companions in his usual eloquent manner and the three principals were duly installed into their respective chairs. The robe addresses were given to the principals; the scarlet robe address was given by Paul Brunskill, the purple robe address was given by John Williams and the blue robe address was given by Malcolm Goodman.

On attaining the first principal’s chair, Graham Barker thanked both Colin Rowling and David Atkinson for their assistance in saying the prayers and doing the readings during the ceremony, it was greatly appreciated. Principal guest Colin then stood to extend his congratulations on behalf of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews. He mentioned that if Mark had been present, he would have congratulated the three new principals and praised Neil Taylor for his efforts over the past year. Colin concluded by wishing Neil well in his new role as immediate past first principal.

Colin extended his congratulations to first principal Graham Barker and his co-principals, second principal Sandy Kean and third principal David Mitton, for their hard work in performing such a wonderful ceremony. He then crossed the room to shake hands with the DC, Ian Halsall, in appreciation of his excellent efforts in ensuring the ceremony ran smoothly.
In conclusion, Colin congratulated all the companions who participated, noting that he was confident that the Chapter of Lebanon was in capable hands and that its future looked bright. Before Colin took his seat, Graham was pleased to present him, on behalf of the chapter, with charitable donations totalling £600. Additionally, the raffle held during the festive board raised £100 for both Masonic and non-Masonic charities.