It was an extra special night at Ormskirk Masonic Hall for the brethren of Lodge of Harmony No 580, as this year they will be celebrating 175 years of Freemasonry, as their warrant is dated 11July 1850. To add to this, the master elect William Cropper was to be installed for the third time, his first time was in 1987 and the second time in 1974. William will also be celebrating his 60 years in Freemasonry in 2026.

As the current master, Alan Johnson was delayed, the lodge was opened by the immediate past master Anthony (Tony) Prior who also conducted the ceremony of installation. With a knock at the door the lodge, director of ceremonies Alan Browne, entered announcing that Colin Jenkins, the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, sought admission.
Accompanying Colin into the lodge room were the Ormskirk and Bootle Group Chairman Graham Chambers, group vice chairman Stephen Dunn, along with the acting Provincial Grand Steward Martin Stewart and other Provincial grand officers. All were warmly welcomed by Tony Prior.

William Cropper was then presented to the master by John Rogers, and he was then installed into the chair of King Solomon for the ensuing year by Tony. Once the new master was settled into the chair of King Soloman, the tools of an installed master were faultlessly delivered by David Williams, which is always a pleasure to see and hear.
The third degree working tools were presented by Ricardo Oberti, the second degree working degree tools were presented by Alan Browne and then Tony Prior presented the first degree working tools with gusto. The address to the master was given by Malcolm Sandywell, the address to the wardens and senior deacon was given by Alan Browne.
Following the address to the brethren by Colin, he brought the personal greetings of Mark Matthews and his own greetings to the lodge. Colin was then presented with a list of donations that the lodge had made to Masonic and non-Masonic charities to the value of £1,150. Colin thanked the brethren of the lodge for their generous donations and made a special comment to Ricardo on his delivery of the working tools and to the officers who conducted the installation ceremony.
The brethren then retired to the dining room for a sumptuous festive board of black pudding Scotch eggs, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, followed by Bailey’s cheesecake and Tia Maria Chantilly, served up by Gary O’Brien and his hard-working staff.
In his response to the grand officer’s toast, Colin talked about membership of both the Craft and Royal Arch. He made special comment on the upcoming celebration of the lodge’s 175 years this year and William’s achievement of 60 years in Freemasonry in 2026, and as they have an initiation ceremony next month, he hoped the lodge would continue to grow in numbers.
After a rendition of the Master’s Song by John Mawdesley, a raffle was held and raised funds for Masonic and non-Masonic charities, as well as an additional £86.21 from the Alms plate collection. Following the presentation of flowers to Colin and Graham, the principal guests retired and the brethren continued the festivities before leaving fully satisfied at the end of the evening.