Harmonic Lodge No 216 is one of the oldest lodges in the Province of West Lancashire, and as such has the honour of forming part of the herald of lodges who take part in the ceremony of investiture of a new Provincial Grand Master.

On this occasion, it marked the installation of a WM for the 229th year of the lodge history, having been consecrated in 1796. Current WM Roy Williams, who has been in the chair of King Solomon for two years, was ready to hand over the custodianship of the lodge to past master Phil Marshall.
The lodge officers, resplendent in their morning suits and white tie, having looked after the many lodge members and visitors for pre-meeting drinks within the domed ceiling of the terrace bar, took their allotted positions within the Derby Suite, at the Britannia Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool.
This room is not often used for lodge meetings and was arranged in a circular fashion, allowing all lodge members and visitors a perfect view of proceedings. In a polished manner, WM Roy opened the lodge in fine form, and having proceeded with the necessary lodge business, continued to open the lodge in the third degree.
Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Ryan Modlin then announced that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Frank Umbers stood without. A plethora of acting Provincial grand officers, accompanied by grand officers, Assistant Provincial Grand Master John James and Deputy Provincial Grand Master Frank Umbers, were conducted into the lodge, led by Provincial Grand Stewards Michael Daly and Stuart Bateson.

After all had been seated and the necessary salutations attended to, WM Roy offered the gavel to Frank, who thanked Roy for the honour bestowed upon him and on this occasion was content to watch the installation ceremony. Presenting officer, John Donnelly, who is also an acting Provincial Junior Grand Deacon, presented master elect Phil Marshall to Roy Williams for the benefit of installation.
This is the third time that Phil has been installed as master of Harmonic Lodge, nevertheless, Phil walked confidently to the pedestal and recited his obligation faultlessly. A board of installed masters having been duly proclaimed, Phil was installed in time honoured ritual by Roy, and all too soon, the mastership of the lodge had been passed over to Phil.
The board of installed masters being duly closed, master Masons were admitted and John Donnelly having instructed and demonstrated the salutation in that degree, delivered the working tools of a master Mason. Fellow crafts were then admitted, and this time it was turn of Ian Elsby to deliver a not often heard long version of the working tools of a fellow craft Freemason. Finally, with entered apprentices admitted, salutations given, John Donnelly delivered the working tools of an entered apprentice Freemason.
The appointment and investment of lodge officers followed, with addresses to the deacons given by the Provincial Junior Grand Deacon John Donnelly. The address to the stewards was given by Provincial Grand Steward Mike Fox, and address to the master was given by Provincial Grand Charity Steward Paul Shirley, who promptly followed that with the address to the wardens.
On conclusion of the installation ceremony being announced by Immediate past master Roy, it was the cue for Deputy Provincial Grand Master Frank Umbers to bring not only the congratulations of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, but his personal congratulations as well. Explaining to all assembled what a fantastic installation ceremony had been witnessed and thanking, Roy, Phil and director of ceremonies John Donnelly, for their hard work, as well as all the other brethren who had taken part.

WM Phil then asked Frank if he would accept cheques on behalf of the charities, which Frank read out to all assembled. The lodge had donated a fantastic sum of £1,250, consisting of £200 each to Casus Pax, and Stick ‘n’ Step, £150 each to Guide Dogs for The Blind, Maghull Young Adults Social Club, Claire House, and the Whitechapel Centre, and finally, £250 to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity. Frank thanked the lodge for their generosity.

The lodge was then called off and all retired to dine in regalia, to continue the celebration of the installation of Phil. The festive board is always a lively affair, as Harmonic Lodge is well known for their hospitality. After dinner, lodge director of ceremonies John Donnelly aided by Assistant to the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Bryan Cambridge, who oversaw the backing music, rose and sang the Master’s Song with all enthusiastically joining in the chorus and wishing Phil good health and a happy year as the new master of Harmonic Lodge.
Amongst the many speeches, lodge visitor, Adam McQuire of University Lodge of Liverpool No 4274, in response to the toasts to the visitors, thanked the lodge for their support to the charity, Casus Pax, and the donation they had made that evening. It helps to continue the support and aid runs to Ukraine, with Adam acknowledging the help given by Roy Williams, who has returned from Ukraine with Adam as part of a team delivering much needed ambulances. Adam then presented Phil with a Casus Pax patch in honour of their support and thanks.
With the final toast of the evening given by the tyler Rob Morris, another successful installation in the long history of Harmonic Lodge was accomplished, and long may that tradition continue.