At the 2024 installation meeting of St Peter’s Lodge No 4324, John Lambert was installed in the chair of King Solomon for the second time. The ceremony was held at the Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope Street in the company of 34 brethren.

Unfortunately, due to illness the WM Adrian Williams was unable to attend the installation. Stepping into the breach at very short notice was acting WM and installing master Joe Williams of Croxteth United Services Lodge No 786 and the lodge was opened by him in due form.
Having previously retired from the lodge, the director of ceremonies Stuart Kidd, re-entered and announced that Sam Robinson, the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, accompanied by the Liverpool Group Vice Chairman Bob Paterson stood outside and requested admission. They were then admitted in due form.
John Lambert was presented by Peter Fay as master elect and installed into the chair of King Solomon for the ensuing year by Joe Williams. He was ably assisted by Ian McParlin (SW), Bill Carr (JW) and Brian Smith (IG). The address to the WM was delivered by Peter Fay. This was followed by the address to the lodge brethren by Sam Robinson. He then brought personal greetings from Mark Matthews to the WM and a special mention to the installing master Joe Williams for conducting an excellent ceremony and the brethren acting as Principal grand officers.

Sam was pleased to accept the charitable donations made by the lodge brethren during the year which were made to; Liverpool Blood Bikes Appeal £500, South Liverpool Food Bank £250, Bowel Cancer UK £250 and the Liverpool Masonic Building Fund £250. A magnificent sum of £1,250 was an outstanding sum, there was also £182 raised from the charity plate and raffle. Sam stated that it would be greatly appreciated by all the recipients and thanked the brethren of the lodge for their very generous donations.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the WM had a very pleasant duty to perform in presenting Mal Myers with a beautiful watch for his long and dedicated service of 16 years as the lodge secretary, as he hands over to Adrian Williams the outgoing WM and wish him a speedy recovery.
After the lodge was closed, all the brethren then retired to the dining room for a splendid five course festive board of homemade vegetable soup, cod mornay, braised steak with chips and vegetables, apple pie and hot custard and a selection of fine cheese and biscuits.
In his response to the toast to his health, Sam spoke about membership, retention and the importance of enjoying Freemasonry. He gave mention to the excellent work carried out by everyone taking part in the ceremony.