It was the start of the new Masonic season for Lodge of Tranquillity No 3877 who meet within Woolton Golf Club. On this occasion it was the installation meeting of the lodge with some 20 members and visitors present.

After the master of the lodge and his wardens had processed into the temple, the lodge was opened by the WM David Boyes with acting DC Ian McGovern and Mike Fox acting as junior deacon. This was also the first meeting for Mersey Valley visiting Officer Peter Roberts. The brethren were asked to stand for departed merit to honour the sad passing of Stanley Povall.
The acting DC informed the lodge that the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, Robert Fitzsimmons, stood outside and was seeking admission. David Boyes said that they would be honoured to receive him. Robert, accompanied by other grand officers and Provincial grand officers entered the lodge and were warmly welcomed by David Boyes.
David then opened the lodge to the second and third degrees and salutations were given to Robert and the other grand officers and Alan Riley received the salutations on behalf of the Provincial grand officers after which David thanked, very sincerely, the officers of the lodge for their continued support.

The working tools were given with great confidence by Ian McGovern. The lodge was closed to the second degree and Les Cutting explained the working tools of the degree. The lodge was closed to the first degree and junior warden John Copple provided the explanation of the first degree tools. Ian McGovern in his role of acting director of ceremonies proclaimed David Boyes as WM for the ensuing year who then appointed the officers. Ian gave the address to the WM together with the warrant of the lodge.
The ceremony of proclamation being concluded, Robert rose to convey the very best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master after which David presented him with a cheque from the lodge in the sum of £387.70 for the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity. Robert expressed his thanks and said that those, whom we would never know, would be most grateful for the lodge’s generosity.
Ian McGovern resumed his seat as secretary, whilst Arthur Cregeen assumed the role of DC to report on the rising. Arthur formed the procession to retire and asked brethren to stand whilst Robert and other grand and Provincial grand officers retired. David wished the secretary to record his warmest thanks to him and Mike Fox for all the work in making the evening a memorable one. The lodge was then closed with due harmony.
At the festive board a raffle was held which raised the sum of £105. In response to the toast to his health, Robert reported on the status of the Royal Arch and the light blues club, as well as bringing the brethren up to date with the happenings within Grand Lodge. Robert also remined the brethren of the forthcoming Mersey Valley Ball in April 2025. The evening was brought to a close by the tyler, Tommy Lunt, who proposed the last toast of the evening.