On a wet and miserable night in Southport, the brethren of Freshfield Lodge No 8165 gave their guests and Stuart Cranage, who was the principal guest representing the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, a warm welcome to their installation meeting.

The master of the lodge Michael Melling opened the lodge and welcomed Stuart, who was accompanied by grand and acting Provincial grand officers and the Southport Group Chairman Phil Stock.
There followed a flawless ceremony of installation installing Sean Doherty into the chair of King Solomon, during which the third degree working tools were delivered by Greg Clements, the second degree working tools by Lou Vinnyey delivered the long way, and the first degree working tools by Lee Kelly.
Michael Melling delivered the address to the WM. The deacons were addressed by Russ Hird and the address to the brethren of the lodge by Stuart Cranage.
Upon the completion of the installation ceremony, Stuart brought the congratulations of Mark Mattews to the newly installed master Sean, he congratulated the installing master Michael and all who had taken part in making it a memorable ceremony.
The first pleasant duty Sean had to do, was to present £500 in cheques to MNDA, Mytonic Dystrophy and Southport Masonic Hall.
After Sean closed the lodge, the brethren retired to a fine festive board were Stuart brought his own congratulations and reiterated his thanks to all that had taken part in the ceremony with special mentions to the installing master Michael and Lou Vinnyey for his presentation of the second degree working tools.
Sean thanked all present for giving up their time and said he would endeavour to maintain the traditions and reputation of the lodge. After the tyler’s toast, the brethren headed home after a very pleasant evening.