The esteemed members and guests of Saturnian Chapter No 7563 were honoured to have the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews, as their principal guest. The chapter room at Cleveleys Masonic Hall was filled to capacity as the current first principal, Shaun Haynes, presided over the installation convocation, assisted by co-principals Gordon Major and Steve Willingham.

Upon a report, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Ian Halsall, informed the chapter that the principal guest Mark Matthews had demanded admission. Mark entered the chapter room accompanied by Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals John Robbie Porter and grand officers; Norman Thomas, Keith Jackson, Eric Picton and Brian Parkin.
Additionally, North Fylde Group Vice Chairman Tony Farrar, group treasurer Jim Gregson and group secretary Mike Brown. Acting Provincial grand officers Brian Griffiths, Alan Barnes and Roger O’Loughlin also attended. Shaun welcomed Mark into the chapter, presenting him with the sceptre. Mark politely returned the sceptre, expressing his confidence in Shaun’s capable leadership and his desire to enjoy the evening.

In a traditional Saturnian Chapter ceremony, Keith Carter was installed as the third principal, Steve Willingham as the second principal and Shaun Haynes was proclaimed as the first principal. The scarlet robe address was delivered by Adam Turner, the purple robe by Shaun Haynes and the blue robe by Steve Willingham. Adam Turner then further impressed the companions by delivering the address to the three principals with clarity and precision.

Upon the completion of the investiture of the chapter’s officers, it was the turn of John Robbie Porter to deliver the address to the companions. With the installation ceremony concluded, Mark congratulated all those present who had contributed to the event. Shaun then presented Mark with a list of charity donations totalling £1,460. Mark thanked the companions of the chapter on behalf of the recipients for their very generous donations. Prior to the chapter’s closure, Adam Turner once again delighted the companions with a further demonstration of his mastery of ritual with the valedictory address, which bid farewell to the assembled companions.
The companions then retired to the festive board, where they were joined by three brethren who had yet to attain the rank of Royal Arch Mason. The raffle raised an impressive sum of £265, providing a solid foundation for the upcoming year. An excellent meal was enjoyed, followed by the usual toasts. Roger Lloyd-Jones performed the Principals’ Song with piano accompaniment by Keith Jackson.
In his response to the toast to the health of the three principals, Shaun expressed gratitude to everyone for their participation in making this day as memorable as it had been. He informed the companions that the chapter had a full year ahead, replete with social events.