Brethren of Rufford Lodge No 7217, who meet at Ormskirk Masonic Hall, met for the installation meeting of the lodge to proclaim Brian Southworth as master of the lodge for his second year with, some 40 members and visitors present.

After the master of the lodge and his wardens had processed into the temple accompanied by Doug Little playing the organ, which gave a great atmosphere, the lodge was opened by the Brian and his officers in the usual manner and the business of lodge being conducted. Business included ballots for an honorary member, a joining member and a candidate for initiation, all being accepted by the lodge members.
The lodge was then opened to the second degree and the acting DC Jason Nash then retired from the lodge to from a procession. Lodge was then opened to the third degree and on Jason’s return, he informed the lodge that the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, Anthony Humphrey Provincial Senior Grand Warden, stood outside and was seeking admission. Brian said that they would be honoured to receive him.
Anthony Humphrey was accompanied by Immediate Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master Phil Gunning, Steven Dunn Vice Chairman of the Ormskirk and Bootle Group and acting Provincial Steward Martin Stewart. They all entered the lodge and were warmly welcomed by Brian.
Salutations were given to Anthony and Grand Officer Phil Gunning and Steven Dunn received the salutations on behalf of the Provincial Grand Officers after which Brian thanked, very sincerely, the officers of the lodge for their continued support for the ensuing year.
The acting DC Jason then proclaimed Brian as WM for the ensuing year. The working tools were given with great confidence by Derek Midgley. The lodge was closed to the second degree and Derek’s son Robert Midgley explained the working tools of the degree. The lodge was closed to the first degree and David Rawcliffe provided the explanation of the first degree tools. Brian then appointed the officers of his lodge and the address to the wardens was given by David Rawcliffe and Martin Stewart gave the address to the stewards of the lodge. The address to the brethren of the lodge was given by Anthony Humphrey.

The ceremony of proclamation being concluded, Anthony rose to convey the very best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master, after which Brian presented him with cheques from the lodge in the sum of £2,000, broke down as follows; £1,000 for the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, £250 for Ormskirk Masonic Hall, £500 for Derian House and £250 for Rufford Church Spire Appeal. Anthony expressed his thanks and said that those, whom we would never know, would be most grateful for the lodge’s generosity.
Jason, now having been appointed the lodge DC, formed the procession to retire and asked brethren to stand whilst Anthony and other grand and Provincial Grand Officers retired. The lodge was then closed with due harmony.
At the festive board, a raffle was held which raised the sum of £185. Also, potted plants supplied by Eric Sutton were sold, which is a custom of Rufford Lodge, with all profits going to charity. In response to the toast to his health, Anthony reported on the status of the Royal Arch and the light blues club, as well as bringing the brethren up to date with the happenings within Grand Lodge.
After replying to the toast to his health, the Master’s Song was sung by Nick Medway, unfortunately without the accompaniment of Doug Little as the organ decided to pack in. The evening was brought to a close by the acting tyler Malcolm Sandywell, who proposed the last toast of the evening.