Garston Masonic Hall was the venue to install Philip Brown as the first principal of Royal George Chapter No 4119. David Cairns, the first principal, opened the chapter in due form and completed all the domestic business before guests were invited into the chapter.

The director of ceremonies David Boyes announced the arrival of Deputy Grand Superintendent Chris Butterfield who demanded admission. Chris was accompanied by Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals John Murphy, Mersey Valley Group Chairman David Atkinson and distinguished grand and acting Provincial grand officers.

David Cairns with the other principles greeted Christ and then offered him the sceptre. Christopher returned the sceptre for the purposes of the installation. David placed David Newland in the chair of second principle and Colin Rowland in the chair of third principle. Philip Brown then reaffirmed his obligation as first principle and on completion of the reading was installed into the chair of the first principle. David then presented him with the warrant of the chapter and to complete the installation ceremony David delivered the robe address.
It was a short ceremony due to the circumstances that Michael Moore, second principle and Steve Kayne, third principle, were unable to attend and would be installed at a later date. On completion of the risings, Philip closed the chapter in due form and the companions retired to the festive board.
At the festive board, Chris was presented with a cheque for £200 as a donation to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, which was gratefully received with Chris thanking the companions of the chapter for their generous donation.
Chris, in his response to the toast to his health said that the message from Grand Lodge is the 3 Rs, Recruitment, Retention and Retrieval. He also mentioned the role of the Visiting Officer, (VO Scheme), which has now been introduced to align West Lancashire with Metropolitan Grand Lodge, other Provinces and Adelphi. The Province is very fortunate to have a highly successful and robust group system that has been working well in one form or another since the 1930s.

The initiative is simply formalising and adapting what we are already doing. It is not a spy in the camp being introduced by the Province, there is no hidden agenda. It is being introduced to help and assist lodges and chapters, both now and in the future, and thus build on the successful two-way working relationship that already exists. The areas of interest for the VO are attendance, ritual, administration and the festive board.
It was an enjoyable evening, even though it was a short ceremony it was completed by a well-attended festive board.