Everton Chapter No 823 hosted its installation ceremony at Liverpool Masonic Hall. Once the chapter had been opened, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Gary Smith entered the chapter and requested the companions to be upstanding to receive Chris Butterfield Deputy Grand Superintendent of the Province of West Lancashire, accompanied by Ian Sanderson Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals and Liverpool Group Chairman David Johnson with other distinguished guests.

They were all cordially welcomed by the three principals; first principal Roy Cowley, acting second principal Derek Gaskell and third principal Jim Eddowes. Roy offered his sceptre to Chris Butterfield who accepted as it was his right but gracefully returned it to the Roy to conduct the evening’s business.
Roy Cowley invited Dave Johnson to occupy the chair of second principal, Roy Ashley as third principal, Derek Gaskell as the past first principal and David Sayce the office of scribe Nehemiah for the purpose of installation. David Brighouse and Derek Gaskell presented the three principals elect to the installing principals. Roy Cowley then thanked all the officers and companions of the chapter for all the support received during his year of office, wishing them well for the future.
Everton Chapter is proud of its own unique installation ceremony. However, the ceremony was to be particularly unique as Roy Cowley was proclaimed as first principal for the ensuing year, Jim Eddowes was installed as a ‘first-timer’ to the office of second principal and Paul Shirley was installed the short way as third principal.
Upon returning into the convocation, the companions were informed that the three principals had been duly installed into their respective chairs for the ensuing year. The three principals were presented with the warrant of the chapter, the Bible, minute book, the bye- laws and the Regulations of Supreme Grand Chapter by Derek Gaskell, who also gave the addresses to the three newly appointed principals. This completed the ceremony of the installation.
Chris Butterfield rose to convey the congratulations of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews to the companions attaining the principal chairs of the chapter and all his officers, stating that he had thoroughly enjoyed an excellent ceremony and that everyone was to be congratulated on a fine unique ritual.
Roy thanked Chris for his kind words and presented him with three cheques and notice of recent donations, totalling £840. Chris Butterfield thanked the chapter companions for their generosity on behalf of all the recipients for the total given.
All the companions retired for a sumptuous festive board of black pudding stack, roast beef and vegetables, crème brûlée. The quality of the food served was appreciated by all. Following the toast to his health, Chris spoke of the need to recruit more brethren into the Royal Arch, although it is evident that Everton Chapter were already proving successful in terms recruitment and retention. He also asked for everybody to be vigilant about companions who may be in distress or suffering through financial difficulty. The janitor’s toast signalled the end of proceedings.