Brethren of Commercial Travellers’ Lodge 2631 assembled in the Adams Suite, Liverpool Masonic Hall for a most enjoyable ceremony to celebrate with Roy Pyne his jubilee anniversary, having served Freemasonry with great distinction for 50 years. It is a testament to the very high esteem in which Roy is held that a total 78 lodge members and guests were in attendance.
Delighted to show their respect for Roy, by being with him to celebrate the occasion, were Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Mark Dimelow and Kevin Poynton, Past Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals Sam Robinson, Dave Johnson Liverpool Group Chairman and Roy Ashley. Also, in attendance and offering his much-valued guidance and stewardship was Rob Fitzsimmons Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.
The lodge was opened by WM Roy Pyne and raised to the third degree. At which point Assistant Provincial Grand Master John James, grand officers and other acting Provincial grand officers processed into the lodge room. Salutations were given according to rank and the gavel was offered to John James, who on this very special occasion was delighted to accept it.
John requested that tonight’s celebrant Roy Pyne be sat before him. John then took a seat next to Roy bringing a delightful informality to the proceedings. John then provided a very insightful, and at times emotional, insight to Roy’s Masonic and personal life. This proved very enlightening and most entertaining. Dave Johnson read the certificate out to the assembly and this certificate was, in turn, presented to Roy by John. Roy thanked John for his very eloquent and enjoyable presentation, adding that it was something he will look back on with great affection.
The senior brethren retired from the lodge room and were joined by the rest of the brethren, after the lodge was closed, to enjoy a bountiful and delicious festive board. It was then that Roy was joined by his daughter Emma at the top table very much to his surprise and great delight! Emma told the assembled brethren how proud the family were of Roy, and what a great father he had been and how much he was loved. She also thanked the lodge brethren for arranging this great surprise for her father, as well the organising of his 50th celebration, but explained that she could not be joined by her sister, as planned, because she had tested positive for covid.
In response to the toast to his health given so earnestly by Ken Granby, Roy thanked everyone for attending, and for allowing him the privilege of being joined by his daughter at the festive board. Roy welcomed everyone to join him at his 60th anniversary which he looked forward to with great relish. Roy then presented Dave Johnson with a cheque for £500 to be donated to the Liverpool Blood Bike Appeal.
The proceedings of evening were sadly ended by the tyler’s toast delivered so John Hibbert, the tyler of the lodge.