Regular visitors to Fairhaven Lodge No 5076 are used to two certainties. Firstly the warmth of their welcome and secondly, fine ceremonies irrespective of the vicissitudes which may be faced by the officers of the lodge during preparation.

One might expect that with the absence of the WM, immediate past master, secretary, senior deacon, almoner, organist and tyler things couldn’t possibly be achieved, certainly not a ceremony of raising to the third degree. Oh ye of little faith! Although director of ceremonies Andrew Harwood and treasurer Peter Robinson looked quite frazzled prior to the lodge opening, their fears soon evaporated as things got going.
Step up lodge mentor, Neil Curtis, to take the WM’s place to conduct lodge business; John Nicholls the St Annes Palace steward to conduct the ceremony of raising, and his brother-in-law John Bradley to deliver the traditional history; John Conroy, the lodge membership officer to be senior deacon, ably assisted by Arthur Rybacovas as junior deacon; with joining member Bill Swindlehurst as tyler.
A masterclass in delegation, certainly in respect of John Nicholls and John Bradley, both of Ansdell Lodge No 3607. Both Johns are also seasoned veterans of the Lodge of Instruction Festival, which is itself a masterclass of Masonic ritual. One might add that John Nicholls is one of the very few West Lancashire Masons who has been to London and achieved a silver matchbox for delivering a word perfect ceremony. Both lodge wardens Chris Thompson and Paul Leaper were there to steady the ship, so what could go wrong? On this occasion, nothing.

With the lodge business dealt with, Neil handed over to John Nicholls and a superb raising ceremony ensued for candidate Rob Clark, ably conducted through the process by John Conroy. At the completion of the first part, Rob was given a breather, and on his return, he was treated to one of the finest renditions of the traditional history heard for many a year, delivered by John Bradley who, it has to be noted, hasn’t been through the WM’s chair yet!
Candidate Rob, who is a building contractor by trade, is keen on boxing and keeping fit. With his partner Kelly he has two sons, who he intimates are a handful, although his description wasn’t quite so polite but he loves them both dearly. At the festive board later, he was to thank all those involved in making the evening a memorable occasion for him.
With all ceremonials complete and the welcome pack presented to Rob with aplomb by group mentor, Chris Tittley, the almoner’s report was also delivered by a capable stand-in. Step up Alan Brotherton, a spritely young lad in his early 90s who was still able to give a good account of widows and other issues.
Problems! What problems? As one visitor put it, “My, Fairhaven Lodge always seem to pull it out of the bag, don’t they?”