After the summer break, the new Masonic season seems to arrive quickly for members of Red Triangle Chapter No 3874, as their first meeting is always early in September at the Woolton Golf Club. This is the installation meeting, and with practices carried out through the summer, the companions were ready and prepared for the meeting to come.

Opening the chapter were, Joe Muscroft, Ian Broomfield and Mike Fox as first, second and third principals respectively, opened the chapter in fine form, supported by several visitors who were standing in. Paul Dooley of Ormskirk Priory Chapter No 4007, as assistant director of ceremonies, and Paul McLachlan of Walton Chapter No 1086 as principal sojourner. Following the sad passing of the janitor John Hibbert, guarding the door of the chapter was the responsibility of Tommy Lunt.
The first order of business was to ballot for a joining member, Tom Smith. The ballot proved unanimous in favour, and having been admitted, Tom was welcomed to the chapter by the three principals. Tom remarked that he was looking forward to enjoying the company of the companions and as he had been unattached for some time, was also looking forward to being reacquainted with the Royal Arch.
Having retired for a short time, director of ceremonies Ian McGovern was readmitted and announced that the principal guest, Ian Stirling, the representative of the Grand Superintendent, accompanied by Mersey Valley Group Chairman David Atkinson stood without. Ian Stirling was warmly welcomed by the three principals and remarked he was looking forward to enjoying the ceremony.
Next, the installation ceremony began in earnest. First principal Joe Muscroft requested Ian McGovern to occupy the first principal’s chair. Dave Douglas was then presented to Mike Fox and after orating his obligation perfectly, Dave was placed in the chapter as third principal elect. Alan Routledge was then presented to Ian Broomfield and having reaffirmed his obligation was placed in the chapter as second principal elect. Finally, Ian Broomfield was presented to Ian McGovern and having reaffirmed his obligation was placed in the chapter as first principal elect.

Scripture readings were performed by Alan Malthouse, with group chairman David Atkinson reading the scripture for the installation of a first principal. In each case a conclave of installed principals was convened, and Ian Broomfield was installed as first, Alan Routledge as second and Dave Douglas for the first time as third principal.
The scarlet robe address was given by Ian McGovern, the purple robe address was given by Ian Broomfield and blue robe address by Alan Routledge, in an impressive display of ritual, the work put into the practices clearly visible at this stage.
Scribe Ezra Les Cutting flawlessly delivered the address to the three principals and Ian Stirling delivered the address to the companions of the chapter. At the conclusion of the installation ceremony, Ian again rose to give the congratulations of the Grand Superintendent and congratulated all of those who had taken part in the ceremony.
Ian Broomfield then presented cheques to honour the charities to Ian Stirling who praised the chapter for their very generous donation of £500 to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity. The chapter business being duly completed, it fell to stand-in principal sojourner Paul McLachlan to close the chapter, and all retired to the dining rooms for dinner and continue the celebration of the installation of Ian Broomfield as first principal.