It’s an exciting year for Mersey Valley Group, Royal Arch chapter, Red Triangle No 3874. as it will celebrate half a century of continuous meetings since its consecration in 1974. With an event planned in the summer to celebrate its half centenary, the companions were keen to expand the membership of this friendly chapter, who meet at Woolton Golf Club.

In line with many other chapters, and to encourage membership of the Royal Arch. the companions decided to hold a white table event to delight, inform and encourage brethren who have not yet taken the next step in Freemasonry, to continue their journey and explore the Royal Arch. It was time for Red Triangle to go white.
Members of the chapter have been drawn through the association with two Craft lodges, Lodge of Tranquillity No 3877, who also meet at Woolton, and Adelphi Lodge No 6819 of the Gladstone group, as well as other lodges. As with many companions, the simple act of being asked to join a Royal Arch chapter, has meant that membership has naturally occurred from members of each lodge asking Masons who have not yet joined this wonderful order.
The plan was hatched to hold a white table event and to invite brethren to find out more about the chapter. The chapter convocation, opened by the three principals, Joe Muscroft, Ian Broomfield and Graham Sinden, first, second and stand-in third principal respectively, welcomed unattached Royal Arch companion Tom Smith to the chapter and hoped that he enjoyed his visit. Tom enjoyed it that much, that he was subsequently proposed and seconded as a joining member. The companions of the chapter are looking forward to welcoming him as a member of the chapter at the installation meeting in September.

The chapter business being swiftly concluded, the companions attended the festive board and welcomed two visitors to the white table event, David Beckett and Joe Lynch both of Adelphi Lodge. At the festive board, first principal, Joe Muscroft, gave a brief talk about Royal Arch, and assisted by the scribe Ezra, Dr Les Cutting, expanded on this using the recently produced trifold leaflet by Second Provincial Grand Principal Michael Threlfall.
David and Joe, sat with the companions of the chapter, who were on hand to answer questions about the origins, practices and the journey of a master Mason into Royal Arch Masonry. Both David and Joe were very keen and eager to learn more about this ancient order and it is hoped in good time will become members of the chapter.
David and Joe have been invited to the chapter, half-centenary celebration which by happy coincidence also happens to be the 75th anniversary of Adelphi Lodge and a joint celebration will take place at the Hard Days Night Hotel in Liverpool to celebrate both events. With one joining member and potentially two candidates, the Red Triangle Chapter goes white event was deemed a success.

Story by Dr Les Cutting and Mike Fox.