Two excellent ceremonies were presented by the brethren at Arthur Stanley Lodge No 3469 when Paul McLachlan was reinstalled into the chair of King Solomon by director of ceremonies Greg Pinnington. The lodge was opened in due form and following normal business including a favourable ballot for Adrian Peasant and it had been agreed, he would be initiated following masters Proclamation.

The lodge opened to the second degree and the secretary Gary Evans and Greg Pinnington sought permission to leave and form the procession. The Lodge was then opened to the third degree following which the Greg returned to announce that the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, Roy Ashley accompanied by group chairman Graham Chambers and Roy Pyne, with acting Provincial Grand Steward Martin Stewart awaited outside the lodge and sought admission.
Following a warm welcome, greetings and salutations to the three grand officers the master’s proclamation was begun, Greg then proclaimed Paul McLachlan master of the lodge for the ensuing year with the appropriate greetings and salutes being given by the brethren. The third degree tools presented by senior warden Peter Whittaker and the second degree tools by the DC Greg Pinnington.
Roy Ashley then stood to greet Paul with the warmest of congratulations from Mark Matthews, saying that he wished him a very enjoyable, happy and successful second year in office. Prior to his sitting, Paul rose to present eight cheques to the value of £1,650 consisting of £500 for The Darby Rimmer Fund; three cheques of £150 to Ronald McDonald House, Zoe’s Place and EYFS Learning disabilities charity; two cheques of £250 to Ormskirk Masonic Hall and The Tithebarn Nursing Home with £100 each to SSAFA and RNLI which Roy accepted with sincere gratitude on behalf the eventual recipients.
The ceremony then continued with the appointment of officers, most of whom continued in their former offices and accordingly stood saluted and gave a court bow of acceptance to the master. Gareth Griffin, who is now on the ladder to his own installation progressed from junior to senior deacon whilst Alex Curley became junior deacon and Dave Jackson also progressed to the office of inner guard.

The proclamation being ended, Roy Ashley once again rose to offer his own congratulations for the quality and smooth running of the ceremony and acknowledged the time and effort that had obviously been put into the rehearsals. Roy then went on to give an impeccable address to the brethren of the lodge.
Secretary, Gary Evans then took the master’s chair for the initiation of newly balloted candidate Adrian Peasant who was proudly observed during the ceremony by his step father David Jackson. The ceremony and first degree tools were then expertly delivered by the acting master followed by the senior warden, Peter Hoyles, perfect delivery of the First Degree Charge. Upon the candidates return to the lodge, the first degree tracing board was explained in an extremely engaging manner by Roy Pyne.
Following the first rising the charities were honoured which raised a respectable £119 towards the lodge’s future charitable giving. Greg then assembled the Provincial team for their regress from the lodge. The business of the lodge being ended, the evening resumed at a lively and convivial festive board where friendships were made and renewed, stories told and informative conversations had. Between the fun and laughter, a swift Chorley raffle was held which raised a further £136.
In response to his toast, Roy Ashley remarked on the high quality of both very enjoyable ceremonies. He acknowledged the rehearsals and hard work needed to present such ceremonies and particularly noted the first degree ceremony and the First Degree Charge and working tools which all agreed were expertly presented by Gary Evans and Peter Hoyles respectively. Roy then wished the master and lodge every success in the coming year and congratulated the candidate wishing the master and brethren all to enjoy their Freemasonry and the many upcoming events of the lodge. He then went on to push for the further encouragement of chapter of which only 43% of master Masons are members.
The evening drawing to an end, the tyler’s toast was given with meaning by Bill Hunter and all departed in harmony, contentment and peace.