Orrell Lodge No 8371 installation was attended by the Chairman of the Ormskirk and Bootle Group Graham Chambers, the principal guest and the representative of the ProvGM Mark Matthews. Graham was accompanied by PAProvGM Stanley Oldfield, ProvGMen Stuart Cranage and Kim Lyon.

The lodge was opened in fine style by WM Ernie Barrow, ably assisted by his wardens Peter Carletti and James Wheeldon. Following the conformation of the minutes and entrance of the principal guest, the lodge was opened up to the third degree and salutations given to all grand and Provincial grand officers.
Gordon Turner then took the master’s chair for the purpose of installation. The master elect, Arthur Pettit, was presented by Keith Schmechel and was then installed in the chair of King Solomon in a splendid fashion by Gordon Turner, according to ancient custom.
The working tools of the third degree were presented by Gordon Turner, the working tools of the second degree were presented by Frank Highton and the working tools of an entered apprentice were presented by Dennis Lee.
Arthur Pettit appointed and invested the officers of the lodge, during which the following addresses were given; to the wardens by Peter Carletti, to the deacons by Derek Todd, to the stewards by Ted Lea, to the WM by Bill Sass and to the brethren of the lodge by Bill Sass.
Once the installation ceremony was declared complete, Graham Chambers brought greetings from the ProvGM and remarked on what a well worked installation had been performed by all concerned.
Cheques were presented to Graham as follows; Wigan & Leigh Hospice £300, MS Therapy Centre £150, The Brick £150, West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity £120, Pemberton Development Fund £500, (from the Social Fund), giving a sub total of cheques £1,220.00. With the following amounts already donated; Pemberton Development Fund £1,530.67, Lodge Widows £400, sub total of these amounts £1,930.67. The grand total amounted to £3,150.67.

Graham was astounded by what he said was a magnificent amount to have been donated by the lodge, and on behalf of all the recipients, he gave many thanks.
A collection was taken for the charities and appeal funds which raised £76.70 for the Hall Development Fund and £15 to West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity. At the festive board, a further sum of £118 was raised for the charity account.
Following a lively festive board, all the brethren attending retired to go home having had a lovely night and witnessing another splendid installation.