Arriving at Widnes Masonic Hall at 10:30 on a Wednesday morning may not be everyone’s idea of fun, but it certainly was a delightful experience. Hale Lodge of Fellowship No 3799, which had switched to daytime meetings, was about to install Michael (Mick) George as master of the lodge.

The lodge was opened promptly at 11 am by Mick George. After completing the necessary lodge business, a ballot was held for John Gibbon to become a joining member. The ballot was successful, and John, a member and past master of Victoria Lodge No 4629, and vice chairman of the Mersey Valley Group was admitted.
After the lodge was opened to the third degree, the director of ceremonies Brian Horabin announced that Assistant Provincial Grand Master Andy Whittle of the Province of West Lancashire, stood without and demanded admission. Andy was presented to WM Mick who offered him the gavel of the lodge as was his right, Andy graciously declined the gavel and took his seat.
It was clear to everyone that the members of Hale Lodge of Fellowship had put a lot of effort into making the proclamation ceremony the best it could be. The working tools were presented flawlessly by; John Prince in the third degree, Neil Pedder in the second degree, and a special mention goes to light blue member Kevin Morton for his exemplary presentation of the first degree working tools.
After the proclamation ceremony, Andy stood up to convey the greetings of Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. He mentioned that if Mark Matthews had been present, he would have congratulated director of ceremonies Brian Horabin for a job well done. Additionally, he would have praised young Kevin for his presentation of the working tools.

Before taking his seat, Mick presented Andy with charitable cheques for £1,100, which Andy remarked was a fantastic amount and congratulated the members for all their endeavours in the cause of charity. At the end of the ceremony, Mick invited everyone to join him at the festive board and announced that he would be buying the first round of drinks.

The festive board was filled with fun and laughter. One special guest was Gordon Fraser, a past master of Lodge Craigends No 1042, who had travelled from Scotland to celebrate Mick’s big day. He looked quite splendid in his green ceremonial attire.
In response to the toast grand officers, Andy spoke about the importance of membership in Freemasonry. He emphasized the responsibility of all members to actively recruit new, suitable candidates while also retaining current members. Above all, he encouraged everyone to enjoy their experience in Freemasonry, as he had done that day.
In conclusion, Mick stood and announced that the collection in the temple had raised £87.12p and the raffle raised £120. Mick thanked everyone for their support and wished them a safe journey home. What a wonderful way to spend a Wednesday morning in Widnes! The companionship was excellent, the meal was fantastic and the warmth of the welcome to all visitors was second to none. If you’re free and want to enjoy good company and friendly chatter, you’ll receive a warm welcome at Hale Lodge of Fellowship.