The Liverpool Group hosted its annual Burns Supper at the Masonic Hall, Hope Street, Liverpool. 114 brethren, lads and lassies were welcomed into the beautiful main banqueting suite by a Scottish Pipe Major, dressed in the full-dress uniform of the Liverpool Scottish Regiment. This set the tone for the splendid evening ahead.

Adding to the splendour of the occasion were Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, Assistant Provincial Grand Master John James, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals Ian Sanderson and David Johnson Liverpool Group Chairman, together with their partners.
The haggis was paraded before the assembled guests by the cater David Aitken, accompanied by the piper. After the traditional address to the haggis was delivered by Geoff Green, the guests were treated to an outstanding meal of cock-a-leekie soup, haggis, neeps and tatties, roast sirloin of beef with vegetables, whisky trifle, tea/coffee and shortbread, all washed down with copious amounts of wine and suitable liquid refreshment!
The infamous Burns poem about Private McPhee was read out with great enthusiasm by Bob Paterson and a brief tribute to Robert Burns was delivered with great authority by Geoff Green. The room was filled with resounding laughter and conversation throughout the dinner as the guests clearly enjoyed the party atmosphere. A raffle and an auction of signed Liverpool FC and Everton FC football shirts raised a magnificent £1,420. This will be donated to several different Armed Forces benevolent funds.

The group chairman, Dave Johnson, brought the proceedings to an end by thanking everyone for attending and supporting the supper, those brethren who organised it and the caterers for providing such an excellent meal. Most especially, he thanked everyone for their incredible generosity in raising such a magnificent sum of money on the night. There followed a boisterous and emotional rendition of Auld Lang Syne led by brethren from Old Masonians West Lancashire Lodge No 7702. This truly was an evening to remember.
Dave Johnson, Liverpool Group Chairman.