Companions of St Annes Chapter No 2457 in the South Fylde Group were delighted that their first meeting of the new Masonic season was an exaltation. Members of the chapter and guests from across the Fylde met at The Palace to see William Buchanan Snr join Royal Arch Masonry.

This was a very proud moment for Will Buchanan Jnr, as he was to witness his father joining him as a Royal Arch companion. Also there to witness and assist in the ceremony was the Third Provincial Grand Principal David Barr,
It was in February 2024 that Will Jnr, as WM of his lodge, had the honour and pleasure to raise his father to a master Mason within the Lodge of Triumph No 1061. This third degree ceremony was undertaken just a month after Will Jnr had been installed into the chair of King Solomon in Lodge of Triumph.
The exaltation ceremony was proficiently led by the three principals; first principal Brian Anderson, second principal Dave McKee and Ian Park as acting third principal. Under the watchful eye of director of ceremonies Clive Tandy and supported by all the chapter officers; William Buchanan Snr was exalted into St Annes Chapter and became a Royal Arch Freemason in fine form.
During the festive board, Will Jnr proposed a very thoughtful and informative toast to the new exaltee, outlining information of some of his dad’s key moments in life from a work and family perspective. This was met with keen applause and was followed by a sincere response by William Snr that was similarly well received.