The lodge was opened at 6:00pm by the master of the lodge Don Fraser and following the usual business of the lodge the director of ceremonies retired and returned to announce that John Rimmer, the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, was outside the lodge and requests admission.

Don replied that the lodge would be please to admit him. John entered the lodge accompanied by Graham Chambers the Ormskirk and Bootle Group Chairman and other grand and Provincial grand officers. Following a warm welcome from Don, John brought the greetings and best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, who wished the lodge well and hoped they would all enjoy the coming ceremony and festive board.
Prior to the ceremony, the master gave his sincere thanks to the officers and brethren for their support over the past year, but especially to his treasurer, Joe Butterworth and secretary Philip Wardle. The chaplain, Robert Bright, then presented the master elect David Seel to the Lodge for the benefit of installation. The ceremony was undertaken with skill and precision due to Don and David having undertaken and observed the ceremony on many previous occasions.
The third and second degree working tools were flawlessly presented by Joe Butterworth and Andrew Glover respectively. The tools of the first degree were also well presented by light blue and now senior deacon Lee Wilson, who is now on his own pathway to installation. The master then installed his new officers with many retaining their former posts. Three light blue brethren were promoted; Andrew Glover to inner guard, Lee Wilson to senior deacon and John Boyd to junior warden.
An expert address to the master was given by IPM Don Fraser, the address to the wardens was given by David Lyon and the address to the brethren of the lodge was flawlessly and enjoyably given by the Provincial representative John Rimmer, who went on to remark on the skills of the experienced DC and installing master Don Fraser. He congratulated all who took part, and especially commented with pleasure upon the advancements of the junior brethren.

Prior to John sitting down, the new WM Dave presented John Rimmer with four cheques to the value of £810 which he read out to the lodge. They consisted of £100 for NW Air Ambulance, £250 for Bradbury Fields (RNIB), £250 for Safe Houses and £210 for the Head and Neck Cancer Charity based at The Walton Centre. John expressed both his own and the ProvGM’s gratitude for the sizeable donations to such worthy local groups, for which he was sure the recipients would be truly grateful.
Following the first rising, John congratulated and presented the Grand Lodge certificate to master Mason Andrew Glover, wishing him a successful and enjoyable future in Freemasonry, following which Andrew duly signed his certificate.
The DC Steve Bousfield then assembled the acting Provincial grand officers and grand offices who accompanied John Rimmer as he retired from the lodge. The normal business of the lodge being completed, the lodge was closed at 8pm and all gathered for informal refreshments and toasting of the master prior to a festive board at which 36 brethren attended.
In response to the toast to his health, David thanked all present for their attendance and support. To the installing team he expressed his appreciation for their hard work and dedication to their duties and added that he was looking forward to the active new year in office.
John Rimmer once again spoke of the skill of the installation team and the pleasure it gave him to see so many junior brethren taking office and awaiting passing, indicating the success of the membership drive. He also raised the need to encourage the light blues in joining Royal Arch and possibly having casual conversations with them about Royal Arch Freemasonry.
The hour drawing late and evening coming to an end, the tyler’s toast was expertly delivered by David Lyon, following which all departed in joy, harmony and peace at 10:30pm.