Avid readers of the Gladstone Group news pages will remember that Hamer Chapter No 1393 became a member of the group in January 2024. Having completed their installation meeting, the companions were already very busy for their next meeting, a double exaltation at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool.

The three principals, consisting of first principal Malcolm Warren, stand-in second principal Syd Ford and third principal, James Williams, opened the chapter in fine form, under the watchful guise of director of ceremonies, Warren Morris.
Having confirmed the minutes of the last convocation, the next order of business was to install officers not present at the previous installation. Gordon Heron, was then installed into the first principal’s chair with Malcolm performing an impressive installation, reading the scripture especially selected for a first principal and delivering the red robe address.
Having completed the installation of a past first principal, and once Gordon had taken his chair as first principal, the next order of business was to ballot for candidate Ian Byrom. This was the cue for stand-in scribe Nehemiah, Mick Southern, to collect what is possibly the biggest ballot box in the West Lancashire Province. There was some quiet debate if it is in fact a chest of drawers. In the interest of investigative journalism, an in-depth investigation later revealed that it is in fact extremely old, and one of the chapter’s favourite possessions.
Mick Southern having skilfully performed the ballot, presented the results to first principal Gordon, who confirmed that the ballot was indeed unanimous and so the scene was set for the double exaltation ceremony. By way of explanation, the other candidate Edward Jordon had previously been balloted.
It was then cue for stand-in principal sojourner, Dougie Fletcher to retire for a short period and re-entered the chapter with the two candidates, Ian Byrom and Edward Jordon, accompanied by the first and second assistant sojourners. At each stage of what was a very special exaltation, Malcolm Warren, who is a member of the Provincial Grand Stewards Demonstration Team, provided a narrative to the ceremony which helped to frame each stage and provided thoughtful insight into the ceremony itself.

The two candidates won’t have appreciated just how good the ceremony was, and the performance of Dougie Fletcher as principal sojourner was simply and understatedly outstanding. As many will attest, it is difficult to perform an exaltation with a single candidate, to perform it with two candidates to such a high standard was sublime.
At the conclusion of the exaltation ceremony and having been robed in the insignia of a Royal Arch companion, second principal Syd Ford, then delivered the mystical signs to both candidates thus completing their exaltation ceremony. The chapter was then solemnly closed and all retired to the Crompton’s Restaurant to continue the celebration of the double exaltation.
Hamer Chapter is a happy and extremely welcoming chapter and from the lively conversation around the festive board it was clear everyone was enjoying the occasion. The toast to the candidates was led by first principal Gordon Heron, who wished that they enjoy their Royal Arch Freemasonry and continue to enjoy the wonderful order of the Royal Arch.
Dougie Fletcher also thanked the chapter for allowing him to stand-in as principal sojourner for the ceremony and that he had been delighted to conduct the candidates around the chapter. With another exaltation planned for a future meeting, the chapter goes from strength to strength and everyone is looking forward to hearing about the next chapter in the history of Hamer Chapter.