On 24 October 2024, a cold autumn, directors of the numerous Masonic halls and meeting venues travelled from all corners of the Province to attend the Halls Support Group Seminar 2024, being held at Preston Masonic Hall.

The day started with light refreshments whilst the various members of the Halls Support Group, under the direction of its chairman Chris Maloney, prepared the function room for the various attendees and set up the presentation equipment. Chris opened the seminar and welcomed everybody to the 2024 Seminar informing them that some interesting topics and speakers would impart a variety of important information particularly relevant to the directors and boards of Masonic halls.
Mark Matthews, the Provincial Grand Master, then addressed the meeting and thanked everybody for attending and hoped that they would all learn something of benefit from the seminar. Mark then spoke very highly of Barry Jameson, a former Assistant Provincial Grand Master, who had been his cabinet liaison member of the Halls Support Group for the last five years and had steered the Masonic halls in the Province through the difficult period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mark thanked Barry for all his hard work over his tenure of office and was most appreciative of the fact that he had agreed to stay as a member of the Halls Support Group in the capacity of a consultant. Mark also mentioned that Barry’s successor as cabinet liaison member is Stuart Boyd.

Following the introductory remarks, Paul Heathcote gave an informative presentation on the ‘Three Tier Structure’ to ownership of Masonic halls, outlining how our halls committees need to think about the current environment in which they operate and how a change to their structure could assist in securing their future. Paul then held a question and answer session with those present. A copy of the presentation is available on the Halls Support Group page on the members area of the Provincial website.
The next speaker was Jim Fallow who spoke to the assembled audience about good and effective cellar management, as he had spent the majority of his working life in the hospitality trade as a pub licensee and then a regional manager.
Jim explained that although breweries recommend that cellar cooling equipment is left switched on and operating 24 hours a day, that this is not actually factual, the recommendation is given as the majority of pubs and clubs are open seven days a week and for at least 12 hours a day. Following a request, Jim had gone to St Helens Masonic Hall and advised them with regards to how to switch the cooler equipment off for periods of time considering the likes of Boyles Law, which had led to a saving of over £5,000 per annum on their electricity bill.

Jim then held a question and answer session with those present, which was very informative and offered to attend any Masonic hall to assist the directors with cellar management. A copy of the presentation is available on the Halls Support Group page on the members area of the Provincial website.
The next speaker was Andy Whittle, Assistant Provincial Grand Master with the responsibility for communications and the Provincial website. Andy reported that he had been working with Paul Heathcote from the Halls Support Group to alter the ‘Where we Meet’ section of the website to include a map of the Province with each Masonic hall or meeting place hall shown as a dot on the map.
There would also be a menu of all Masonic halls and meeting places and clicking on either would allow access to certain information about the meeting place, such as a list of lodges that meet there with day of the month and months each meets, a list of disability facilities available at the venue and a contact number for Masonic and private booking enquiries. Andy then held a question and answer session with those present
The Seminar was drawn to a close by the Hall Support Group Chairman Chris Maloney with a broad question and answer session covering all of the topics covered during the day. Chris also thanked everybody for attending and especially the Provincial Grand Master and the speakers for attending this year’s event.