Woolton Lodge of Unity No 1086 meets inside Woolton Golf Club and comprises of four lodges, namely, Walton Lodge No 1086, Lodge of Prudence No 2114, Allerton Lodge No 6653 and Warbreck Lodge No 6976 and came into being in 2005.
On this occasion over 20 Masons met to initiate and welcome a new brother who had had come through the Pathway Scheme. Gary Wah, who had been training to enter the Church, has an inquiring mind with a great sense of humour and when asked why he wanted to join Freemasonry, he responded that he wished he had done it earlier in his life.
He had seen details of Freemasonry on the website and duly made enquiries and was processed through to Chris Lyon, Mersey Valley Group Membership Officer. Gary said that he had been given free reign of the choices of lodges with Woolton and after meeting with Chris and reading the details of the various lodges proformas chose Woolton Lodge of Unity where he later discovered he knew the senior warden, Tom Smith.
Gary was regularly announced and was met by the acting junior deacon Alan Riley, who was accompanied by the acting senior deacon David Withey. David Rimmer was acting as senior warden and Tommy Lunt as junior warden whilst Eric Palfreyman acted as inner guard. Gary confidently took his obligation from the master of the lodge Michael Daly in an excellent ceremony in which all officers performed well.
Tommy Lunt provided the explanation of the first degree working tools and Alan Riley provided the Ancient Charge in an exemplary manner. After the ceremony was completed, Gary retired from the lodge to restore himself to his former comforts and on his return thanked everyone who had assisted him during the evening and for welcoming him into the lodge.
After a collection had been taken and reports from the almoner, the secretary gave notice of correspondence and then the lodge was duly closed. This provided an opportunity for Chris Lyon to present Gary with a book outlining his initiation and an opportunity for the officers to have photos taken.
At the festive board, lodge secretary Chris Taplin proposed the toast to Gary who suitably replied in jocular manner. It had been an excellent evening and one which Gary said he would never forget. The raffle at the festive board raised the sum of £42.
Article by Colin Roberts.