Members of Emblem Lodge No 6727, along with their esteemed visitors from throughout the United Kingdom, welcomed Assistant Provincial Grand Master Andrew Whittle as the principal guest to the installation meeting of master elect Peter Wright.

Andrew Whitte was supported by Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Harry Cox and David Randerson, along with grand officers Stuart Thornber and Ted Rhodes, as well as the Blackpool Group Chairman Stephen Jelly. They were joined by other group officials and Provincial grand officers.
Special guest of Emblem Lodge was James Jack, Past Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire and his fellow members of Lodge St. Bryde No 579, who had travelled to Blackpool to attend the installation.
Due to the absence of the retiring master of the lodge, Ron Longley, immediate past master Bob Marsden, having a day off from his acting Provincial Grand Steward duties, opened the lodge and conducted the general business of the afternoon. On a report, the director of ceremonies Paul Easton announced that Assistant Provincial Grand Master Andrew Whittle demanded admission.
Andrew and his entourage entered the lodge and was welcomed by Bob Marsden. In his welcome, Bob said that he hoped Andrew would enjoy the ceremony and the companionship of the brethren in attendance.
Once the installing officers of Gary Wainwright, Stephen Jelly and Alan Hunter were safely placed in their respective chairs, the ceremony of installation began. Installing master Bob Marsden, ably assisted by the officers of Emblem Lodge, installed master elect Peter Wright as the master of Emblem Lodge for the ensuing year.

Peter, having been installed in a traditional emblematic manner, was presented with excellent renditions of the working tools. The installed master’s tools by Mark Heelis, followed by the third degree tools by Nick Easton, the second degree tools by the ubiquitous Bob Marsden and the first degree tools by Alan Biston.
The address to the newly installed master was presented by John Tew, which was followed by the address to the wardens by Ken Buckley and a sincere address to the brethren of the lodge by Andrew Whittle.
There was an audible sigh of relief as the installing master announced those most welcome words: “That completes the ceremony of installation.” On hearing those words, Andrew Whittle rose to bring the sincere greetings and best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. Andrew wished Peter and the members of Emblem Lodge a very happy and healthy year ahead. Congratulating all the brethren who had participated in the excellent ceremony, particularly Bob Marsden, who had accepted the role as installing master at short notice.
Peter rose and thanked Andrew for his good wishes and with great pleasure presented him with cheques for various local charities totalling a magnificent sum of £4,527 including a donation to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity for £1,000. Andrew thanked Peter for the remarkable generosity of the lodge brethren.

Returning to the items on the summons, Peter completed his first meeting as master of the lodge in fine style. The 76 attending brethren retired to the lounge bar for a well-earned drink or two served by Mel and Sally followed by a fine festive board cooked by the Masonic Caterers, Shaun Pickup and his team. The Master’s Song was sung by John Darrell accompanied by George Holden on the piano.