The venue was the Geoffrey Hirst Masonic Suite inside Woolton Golf Club where members of Anfield Lodge No 2215 and guests met to witness a double first degree ceremony. On this occasion the chair was occupied by Alan Ledger with David Ireland acting as junior deacon and Matthew Parkinson as senior deacon.

To assist in the ceremony, Phil Gambrill acted as IPM and Gary Devlin as junior warden and Stan Dawkins as senior warden. After the lodge had been opened in due form, Alan Ledger offered Andy Whittle the gavel of the lodge, who symbolically returned it to safe hands. With the opening business quickly completed, the acting treasurer Andy Whittle, accompanied by the lodge secretary Chris Lyon, retired from the lodge to attend upon the candidates, Kristopher Hyland and Chris Lyon, who had been previously balloted for.

The treasurer and secretary returned to inform the master that both candidates had signed the book of declaration and paid the necessary fees. After the tyler had prepared the candidates, he announced the them and they were met by the deacons who would escort them on their journey into Freemasonry.
The explanation of the first degree tools was given by one of the junior brethren Michael McGuinness in an exemplary manner. The charge was also given by a junior brother who had learned it well and delivered it in a strong and confident manner.
The newly initiated brethren retired from the lodge and on their return were congratulated by Alan Ledger and had their white gloves presented to them by Andy Whittle, who provided them with an explanation as to why Masons wear white gloves.
As the ceremony was now concluded, the lodge was closed in due form and the brethren retired to the dining room for a very enjoyable festive board.
Article by Colin Roberts.