Members and guests of Lodge of Tranquillity No 3877 assembled in the Geoffrey Hirst Masonic Suite within Woolton Golf Club to witness David Boyes being installed into the chair of his mother lodge for the sixth time. The meeting was quite well attended and the lodge was honoured with the presence of Deputy Provincial Grand Master Philip Gunning, together with other grand officers.
The WM Ian Bloomfield, accompanied by his wardens processed into the lodge room and took their respective seats after which Ian opened the lodge in due form. The minutes of the last regular meeting were confirmed and signed so Ian opened the lodge to the second and third degrees.
At this point, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, Robb Fitzsimmons was admitted and informed Ian that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master stood outside and demanded admission. Philip Gunning, who was accompanied by Past Provincial Assistant Grand master Kevin Poynton and other grand officers together with Mersey Valley Vice Chairman John Gibbon, processed into the lodge and Philip was warmly welcomed by Ian.
The brethren took their seats and Ian offered Philip the gavel of the lodge which he declined as he was intending to have an enjoyable evening.
Salutations were offered to Philip Gunning; David Hawkes took the salutations for the grand officers and Alan Riley on behalf of the Provincial grand officers. The lodge was adjourned to the second degree and David Boyes as master elect was presented and reaffirmed his obligation. The ceremony was a sincere one and David was duly installed into the chair by Ian.
The explanation of the third degree working tools was given by Ian McGovern; the second degree tools were given by Leslie Cutting and Alan Routledge, who had assisted Ian gave the explanation of the first degree tools.
Alan also provided the address to the newly installed master whilst Leslie Cutting provided the address to the wardens. Philip Gunning provided the address to the brethren.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, Philip Gunning conveyed the best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews saying that Mark wished David a happy year in office and thanked him for taking the chair of the lodge for the sixth time. On behalf of Mark, Philip also congratulated Ian and Alan for a fine ceremony.
David Boyes then presented Philip with a cheque for £250 for WLFC, which Philip gratefully received on behalf of those we would never know. After the communications from Grand Lodge were presented by the secretary Rob Fitzsimmons arranged the retiring procession.
After other business had been conducted the brethren retired to the dining room for the festive board where a fine meal provided by the chef. A raffle was held during diner and raised the sum of £107.
In response to the toast to his health, Philip Gunning conveyed his personal congratulations to David and went on to say that Masonry in West Lancs was currently in a good place and since COVID we had been increasing our numbers, but there was more work to be done in line with the vision of Grand lodge.
Philip continued by saying that Masonry had a purpose in our communities and we had seen such excellent work being carried out. He begged brethren to take a PSA test as many brethren had been diagnosed with prostate cancer, which if caught early could be treated as he had found to his own relief.
Ian Bloomfield proposed the toast to the WM who, in response said that no greater accolade could be given to him than the lodge having elected his as master for another year.
It had been a wonderful evening enjoyed by all who attended. After the last toast provided by the tyler, Tommy Lunt, the brethren concluded their evening.
Article by Colin Roberts.