Darryl Grundy was master of Corinthian Lodge No 2350 in 2021 serving for two years in the Master’s chair until 2023. After the recent merger in 2023 of Corinthian and its daughter lodge Borsdane Lodge No 6460 to form Corinthian and Borsdane Lodge No 2350, Darryl volunteered at short notice to take the chair of this esteemed lodge once again.

Principal guest and representative of the ProvGM, was AProvGM Malcolm Bell, who was accompanied by grand officers Geoffrey Porter (himself a member of Corinthian & Borsdane Lodge), Barry Dickinson, Wigan Group Chairman John Selley, vice chairman Ian Green and ProvGStwd Kim Lyon.
Alan Johnston opened the lodge with the installing officers being a few stalwarts of the lodge in the persons of Frank Jones as senior warden, Stan Fairhurst as junior warden and inner guard Ray Pye. Once the installing officers were placed in their respective positions, the master elect was presented by Peter Newell, and the installation continued in faultless form.
The third degree working tools were presented by Bill Widing, the second degree working tools by Jonathon Lever, however the presentation of the first degree working tools by Mark Foster, a fellow craft of the lodge was given with feeling and to the acclaim of all present.
Bill Wilding gave the address to the wardens, Peter Newell gave the address to the Deacons, Kim Lyon gave the address to the stewards, Neil Whittle gave the address to the tyler, Stan Fairhurst gave the address to the W.M. and on completion of the installation, Malcolm Bell gave the address to the brethren of the lodge, all of which were faultless.
Following the presentation of addresses, Alan Johnston advanced to the west and much to his relief declared that the ceremony of installation was now complete, Malcolm Bell then rose to bring greetings and offered warm fraternal greetings from the ProvGM. He congratulated Darryl on being installed into the master’s chair and hoped that he would have good health to enable him to enjoy his special year. Malcolm shook the hands of the WM and the installing master and complemented the installing master, Alan Johnston, for the way he had conducted what had been an excellent and enjoyable ceremony. He congratulated all the brethren involved in the ceremony and a special mention was given to Mark who delivered the first degree working tools, Malcolm remarked that he remembered being at his initiation six months ago.
In response, Darryl had the pleasure of presenting cheques to the total value of £750. WLFC received £250, Hindley Masonic Hall received £400 and Darryl’s charity for the year Derian House received £100. Malcolm thanked Darryl and the brethren of the lodge for their generous donations.
Following a lively festive board, the Master’s Song was performed by the new DC Neil Whittle, accompanied by Frank Jones on the organ (more commonly known within the lodge as Hinge & Bracket). A wonderful evening, enjoyed by all who attended. Darryl has a full programme of ceremonies this year including two 50th celebrations, a possible initiation, a passing, as well as two raisings.