Furness and South Lakeland Group’s light blues, the Cavendish Club, have hosted a personality evening at Barrow’s Fairfield Masonic Hall. Rusty Firmin, a former SAS Operator of some 15 years’ standing was the principal guest.

Organised by the group assistant publicity officer Stephen Renney, with Phil Renney acting as master of ceremonies, the event brought together around 70 brethren and friends who listened to reminiscences from Rusty’s life and military career for an hour. (The title of this piece is an allusion to Rusty’s situation in a high profile operation).
After a break for a welcome pie and pea supper, and the odd drink, Rusty took questions from the audience. A signed souvenir knife, kindly donated by Rusty himself, was auctioned and raised the magnificent sum of £900 which will go to military charities.
A further £300 was raised from the sale of tickets which will go to the club funds to support future events for members and to encourage non-members that may be brought along.