Two Lodges from the Trafford Group combined this week to celebrate Burns Night. Members from Royal Protector Lodge No 3471 and Radio Millennium Lodge No 9709, along with family and friends, came together at the Urmston Masonic Hall 1881 building to celebrate the work of Robert Burns, perhaps the most famous Scottish poet.

The evening was opened with an introduction and welcome from the masters of both Lodges: Norton Fletcher of Royal Protector Lodge and Giles Brocking of Radio Millennium Lodge.
All the guests then enjoyed a traditional meal, starting with cock-a-leekie soup. The haggis was then piped in under escort, with the traditional address to the haggis given by Jim Noble, a Scotsman himself, in true form; this was followed by a short history of Burns the man. The meal then continued with the haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by a roast Aberdeen beef and finishing with a dessert of cranachan. Overall, a great night was enjoyed by all, with £350 being raised for charity.