The snow and ice had melted and the fog had lifted, so that the brethren and guests of City Lodge No 2514 could enjoy their Installation meeting which was being held at Woolton Golf Club. The lodge was opened promptly, and lodge business was conducted swiftly so that the WM Arthur White could open the lodge to the third degree.

The DC then returned to inform the brethren that Andy Whittle stood outside and demanded admission. Andy, accompanied by Mersey Valley Group Chairman David Atkinson and other grand, acting Provincial grand and Provincial grand officers entered the lodge and were warmly welcomed by Arthur who offered the gavel to Andy.
On this occasion, Andy he returned the gavel to Arthur for two especial reasons. Firstly, his was struggling to use his voice and secondly because he knew Arthur had work to do. Salutations were offered to Andy Whittle, and Neil Pedder accepted the salutations for the grand officers whilst Geoffrey Johnston and David Atkinson accepted salutations on behalf of the Provincial grand officers.
Arthur asked his officers to line up in the north before thanking them for all their assistance during the year. He then requested that Andrew Prowse occupy the WM’s chair for the rest of the ceremony. Andrew requested past masters to assist him and then adjourned to the second degree so that Arthur White could be presented as master elect by Geoffrey Johnston. Arthur reaffirmed his obligation and the installing master adjourned the lodge to the third degree. All below the rank of an installed master were requested to retire for a short while.

Andrew Prowse confidently installed Arthur into the chair of King Solomon. The working tools of an installed master were presented flawlessly by Stephen Riley and the ceremony continued. Alan Owens presented the working tools in the third degree; Eric Shepherd expertly presented the tools in the second degree and George Powell presented the first degree working tools.
After all the officers had been invested in due form, Andrew Prowse informed Arthur that the ceremony of installation was completed which prompted Andy Whittle to rise and convey the personal thanks and congratulations of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. Andy thanked the brethren who had delivered the working tools and congratulated the installing master, ably assisted by Stephen Riley for a delightful ceremony.
Arthur then presented two cheques to Andy: the first for £250 for the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and the second of £100 for Zoe’s Place. Andy thanked the lodge for their donations and said that those who received aid from the charities would never be known by us, but would appreciate the generosity.
After an excellent ceremony and the first of the risings, the DC Stephen Riley formed the procession to retire. After other business had been transacted the lodge was duly closed and the closing ode was sung. The brethren retired to the dining room to enjoy a festive board.

Andy Whittle, in response to the toast to his health, conveyed personal congratulations to Arthur White for taking the chair for a further year and thanked Andrew Prowse for the excellent way in which he conducted the ceremony. Andy continued his response by bringing the brethren up to date with the Membership Challenge and other Masonic news. In response to the toast, Andrew Prowse said it had been a great pleasure to install Arthur, and that the lodge was in safe hands.
The WM, Arthur White, responded to his toast by thanking the IPM Andrew Prowse and then thanked Andy Whittle for all the hard work he had put into planning the pre-Christmas meeting where the lodges and chapters which met at Woolton Golf Club were given the devastating news that the Golf Club wanted to significantly increase the contract fees. The last toast of the evening was given by the tyler Tommy Lunt after which the brethren headed home.
Story and pictures by Colin Roberts.