The beautiful Adams Suite at Liverpool Masonic Hall Hope Street was the venue for the installation of Joshua Adatoz of Merchants’ Lodge No 241. Deputy Provincial Grand Master Frank Umbers was the principal guest and he was accompanied by Assistant Provincial Grand Master John James, grand officers Dave Johnson, the Liverpool Group Chairman and Michael Jones.
The WM Ray Fitzsimmons having opened the lodge to the third degree formally welcomed Frank Umbers as the principal guest, together with accompanying grand officers and acting Provincial grand officers. Salutations were given and duly received.
The lodge was adjourned to the second degree and the WM was assisted by Glyn Pine taking the position of the senior warden, Bob Povall taking the position of junior warden and Ron James as inner guard. Before continuing the ceremony of installation, the WM asked for the master elect, Joshua Adotaz, to be presented before him.
There then followed an exemplary ceremony of installation, with Ray flawlessly leading the way. The third degree working tools were explained to Joshua by Murray McLeod, who received acclaim from the brethren and Frank. Dave Johnson then gave the address to the newly installed master, with Neil Francis addressing the wardens. Frank Umbers gave the address to the brethren of Merchants’ lodge.
Upon completion of the installation ceremony, Frank Umbers rose to bring the congratulations of Mark Matthews to the newly installed master and spoke of the exemplary and most enjoyable ritual and congratulated Ray for his work. Frank thanked all the brethren who took part, with special note to Murray for the explanation of the third degree tools.

The newly installed master then presented cheques to Frank totalling £750, to the following charities: £500 to St Andrew Community Centre (Foodbank) and £250 to Liverpool Seafarers. Frank thanked the brethren of the lodge for their generous donations.
Following the ceremony, the brethren retired for a magnificent festive board. Frank responded to his toast by thanking the lodge for the wonderful flowers his wife had received. Frank delivered the message from Provincial Office regarding the 3 Pillars of Freemasonry and the challenges of increasing membership, and the alliance to Royal Arch chapter. He again thanked the brethren for the ceremony that was performed, wishing them an enjoyable year, pointing out the positive progressiveness of the lodge with the newly installed members into their posts. And again, the unquestionable exemplary way in which the installing master had conducted matters.
Frank congratulated those brethren that had recently obtained Provincial promotion and honours, Neil Francis and Chris Bruffell. Frank also pointed out the requirement for the ongoing support of the magnificent building at Hope Street, also giving a brief history of Merchants’ Lodge and its time associated with Hope Street, thanking Dave and Neil for their work, as group chairman and secretary.
Continuing, Frank then thanked the acting Provincial grand officers for their support during the evening including, John James and Michael Jones, and also his DC team Ryan Modlin and Greg Pinnington, and the newly appointed Provincial Grand Steward Chris Bruffell.
The newly installed WM responded to the toast to his health. He mentioned his links to the Turkish constitution and his thoughts about how much he would miss it when moving to the UK. With the support and friendship built up in Merchants’ Lodge, he stated he was not missing Freemasonry but loving it. The proceedings were brought to an ending with the tyler’s toast.