Listed below are all the lodges and their meeting dates for all the lodges that meet in the Province.
To find the group you want type the name in the search box or scroll down the table.
If you become aware of any errors or omissions in this website please inform our webmaster by completing this contact form
Lodge name | Number | Group | Hall | Installation month | Meeting dates |
Festival Lodge | 8123 | Preston | October | Third Monday October to April (Except December) | |
Fraternity Lodge | 4072 | Preston | November | Second Wednesday September to April | |
Halcyon Lodge | 6500 | Preston | December | Second Friday October to May | |
Ingol Lodge of St Margaret | 8544 | Preston | May | Second Thursday September to May | |
Jubilee Lodge | 5555 | Preston | March | First Wednesday October to May (Except January) | |
Lodge of Endeavour | 7036 | Preston | December | First Friday September to April (Except January) | |
Lodge of Peace and Unity | 314 | Preston | January | First Tuesday October to December and March. Second Monday January | |
Lodge of Unanimity | 113 | Preston | January | First Monday October to April | |
Preston Guild Lodge | 4408 | Preston | November | Fourth Monday September to May. | |
Preston Lodge of Sincerity | 8085 | Preston | October | Third Saturday October. Third Wednesday November to April | |
Ribble Lodge | 4558 | Preston | April | Fourth Wednesday September to May (Except December). Third Wednesday April | |
Royal Preston Lodge | 333 | Preston | December | Second Thursday September to April | |
Setantia Lodge of Installed Masters | 7755 | Preston | January | 30th January, May, September | |
The Lodge of Concord | 343 | Preston | January | Third Thursday September to May |