As the dawn appeared, the ground was covered with a blanket of mist and as the day progressed the mist lifted. The brethren and guests of Woolton Lodge of Unity No 1086 met in the Geoffrey Hirst Masonic Suite within Woolton Golf Club to be enthralled by a lecture from the Provincial Grand Mentor Stewart Cranage entitled; “The origin of the spiritual journey of your initiation”.

Once the lodge had been opened in due form and the brethren had stood to order in respect to departed merit to John Hibbert who had been their tyler for many years, the WM Michael Daly offered the gavel of the lodge to Andrew Stephen Whittle, which Andrew returned with alacrity so as to enjoy the evening. Michael called upon Stewart Cranage to give his lecture, who said he was delighted to return to the Golf Club, a place which he enjoyed visiting and he took his place by the door.
“This brethren, is where you entered Freemasonry”, said Stewart. Stewart continued explaining the mysteries of the first degree and all in the room listened, enthralled by what was being said. There were present three entered apprentices, who were amazed with the explanations given for the symbolism of the first degree. And the veil of mist which these three brethren, and others in the room had endured, was lifted with the meaning of the words, symbolism used throughout the first degree becoming much clearer.
At the end of his lecture, Stewart thanked the WM for inviting him and said that he would be pleased to return once the three entered apprentices had been passed to the second degree. Stewart’s lecture was greeted with rapturous applause as he resumed his seat.

Michael Daly then invited Alan Ledger of Anfield Lodge No 2215 to deliver the explanation of the first degree tracing board. The lodge assistant director of ceremonies, David Moore invited the three entered apprentices to gather round the tracing board where they would be able to see more clearly, as the practice of including the explanation of the first degree tracing board as part of the initiation ceremony has fallen into disuse. There were many in the temple who had not heard its explanation, even though they had been in Masonry for several years.
Alan explained that the usages and customs among Freemasons have ever borne a near affinity to those of the ancient Egyptians. Their philosophers, unwilling to expose their mysteries to vulgar eyes, couched their systems of learning and polity under signs and hieroglyphical figures. Once again, the room fell silent as Alan gave the explanation and enlightenment dawned on many faces.
So, what started as a dull, foggy day eventually provided enlightenment to many. Having completed his explanation, Alan was thanked by the WM to great applause from the brethren. The closing of the lodge was conducted with normal practice and the brethren then retired to the dining room.
Story and pictures by Colin Roberts.