The colourful Egyptian Room at Hope Street Masonic Hall Liverpool was utilised for the ceremony of the installation of the principals for the Sure and Stedfast Chapter of Temperance and Felicity No 9326. The chapter is part of the Kindred Lodges Association, a group of lodges and chapters for those associated with uniformed youth, with many of the companions of Sure and Stedfast in their youth being in the Boys Brigade.

The chapter was honoured by the presence of the principal guest, Stephen Walls, the representative of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews. Stephen was accompanied by Neil Francis, the Liverpool Group Secretary. The chapter was opened by John Bruffell, Chris Bruffell and Ray Parkins, the first, second and third principals, respectively.
The chapter was willingly assisted by several visitors, first assistant sojourner Jim Langley, second assistant sojourner Ashton Foat, both being members of Saint John’s of Jerusalem Chapter No 203. The installation ceremony was assisted by Neil Francis taking the chair of the third principal and Stephen Walls taking the chair of the second principal.
Each newly elected principal having taken their obligations were then installed in their chairs. The past third principal John Bruffell had great delight and proudness in installing his son Chris Bruffell into the first principal’s chair. Chris then proceeded to install Ray Parkins into the chair of the second principal, who in turn installed the newly appointed third principal Melvyn Hughes into the third principal’s chair.
Both Chris and Ray having served in the principal’s positions previously, where delighted to see the third principal placed in his chair for the first time. A description of the robes and sceptres was given to each principal by John Bruffell. There then followed the appointment and investiture of the officers of the chapter took place.

The companions of the chapter were then addressed by Stephen Walls, who thanked the principals for the ceremony, which was executed in the highest traditions. Stephen also brought the best wishes from the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews.
Cheques were presented by the chapter to Stephen for the charities. £50 each to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, Friends of Tithebarn and the Masonic Hall Hope Street, the charity donations being recognised as a generous amount from a small chapter. An address to the newly installed companions was given by John Brufell
After closing the chapter, the companions retired for the festive board, with a response from Stephen Walls to the toast of grand officers stating that the ceremony had been a wonderful experience. The toast to the three principals was given by John Bruffell, who explained to the companions present his emotional pleasure and pride in having been able to install his son into the first principal’s chair.
John also passed on his best wishes to the other principals, especially the newly appointed second principal whom he had the pleasure of going to school with. John also explained that with the first principal’s zeal for Freemasonry, the chapter has a very bright future.
Melvyn Hughes thanked John for his toast, explaining that he was looking forward to a good year, with lots of experienced companions for any assistance that may be needed.