It was a splendid proclamation by the brethren of Ormskirk Priory Lodge No 4007 which took place at Ormskirk Masonic Hall when John Rawcliffe retained the chair of King Solomon. Following the necessary formalities and business of the lodge the master, brethren and guests of the lodge welcomed John Murphy as the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews.

John was accompanied by Ormskirk and Bootle Group Chairman Graham Chambers and Immediate Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master Philip Gunning. The master gave a warm welcome to John and went on to say that he hoped he would have an enjoyable evening and that he looked forward to his company at the festive board. John Murphy then thanked the master for his warm welcome and brought the best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master to both the master and the brethren of the Lodge.
John Rawcliffe, the master elect, was then proclaimed master of the lodge for the ensuing year by the director of ceremonies Bert Patterson. John then proceeded to reinvest his officers for the coming year. Stuart Cunningham was elected treasurer with Ian Kennedy replacing him as senior warden and Brian Heaney becoming inner guard.
The address to the master was then given by Steve Tree, a member of Duke of Connaught Lodge No 2919, in an excellent manner. The installation being completed, John Rawcliffe presented charitable cheques to the John Murphy to the sum of £800, consisting of; £200 to The Tithebarn Care Home, £200 to Alzheimer’s Buddies, £200 to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and £200 to SAFFA. the country’s oldest tri-services national charity. John then thanked the WM and the brethren for such a wonderful amount and also thanked them on behalf of Mark Matthews, himself and the eventual recipients who would never know where or from whom the donations came but would certainly benefit from the amounts given.
Following the first rising and the honouring of the charities which raised £85, the guests recessed from the lodge and all congressed to the festive board which was of the usual high standard for the hall. The meal, consisting of smoked haddock and corn chowder was followed by chicken, leek and bacon pie with green vegetables and fruit crumble for dessert. Following the tyler’s toast presented by Dave Bradbury, the brethren and guest departed in peace and harmony.