Coronation Chapter of Westhoughton No 7258 held its 208th regular convocation in October and it was a meeting of excellent celebration as new first principal and co-principals were installed.
Companions were expertly guided through the installation by director of ceremonies Michael Harrison with Phil Johnson obligated as third principal, David Parker as second principal and Malcolm Jukes as first principal. The three new principals were installed following bible readings from Chris Dean, Shaun Bilsborough and Philip Shore, with prayers given by Keith Bennett and Tony Fletcher. Malcolm Jukes then proceeded to install his officers for the coming year.
West Lancashire Provincial Grand Chapter was represented by Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals Paul Hesketh, who brought greetings on behalf of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews. Paul was accompanied by Chorley and Leyland Group Chairman Peter Allen and they were both grateful to receive donations made to Bolton Hospice, Dementia UK and the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity.
Following the convocation, a most enjoyable festive board was provided by the catering team at Brookfield Masonic Hall and was thoroughly enjoyed by the many companions and guests. Paul Hesketh congratulated the new principals and the officers of the chapter on an excellent ceremony and took the opportunity to remind all present of the importance of encouraging other master Masons in their respective Craft lodges to take the next step in joining a Royal Arch chapter.