Fermor Chapter No 1313 is small in number of companions in its membership, but this would not have been obvious by the turnout for its 2023 installation Ceremony.
The chapter was honoured on this occasion by a visit from no less than seven grand officers, headed by the Grand Superintendent himself, Mark Matthews. Accompanying Mark were; Third Provincial Grand Principal David Barr, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principles Malcolm Alexander and Past Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principles Christopher Hamilton. This glittering array was further enhanced by the remarkable attendance of no less than eight acting Provincial grand officers.
The whole ceremony that followed was very ably conducted by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies David Thomas and chapter DC and Southport Group Vice Chairman Brian Griffiths.
David Thomas began the proceedings by introducing the Mark, who was greeted by first principal Neil Spruce. After everyone had entered and settled in, the ceremony of installation began with Brian Griffiths ably presenting Peter Stone, who was obligated as third principal, Victor Foulds was obligated as second principal and Alistair Sainter was obligated as first principal.
The ceremony then proceeded as normal with the three new principles being installed into their chairs as Brian Griffiths read the appropriate Testament readings.
The scarlet robe address was given by Brian Griffiths, the purple by robe address John Husdell and the blue robe address by Alan Jervis, after which the chapters officers were appointed and invested.
Tom Bradfield-Kay, himself, an acting Provincial Grand Steward, gave the address to the chapter almoner Richard Jenkinson, in Tom’s other role as group almoner. Malcolm then addressed the companions of Fermor Chapter after which the ceremony was concluded.
Mark then rose to bring his own greetings to all chapter members and despite Fermor Chapter being very small in numbers, the companions managed to donate £150 to Southport Group Foundation, £150 to West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and £150 to Sutton Grange Care Home in Banks. Malcolm then thanked the companions for such a magnificent contribution from such small numbers.
At the first rising, Mark presented a Grand Chapter Certificate to Malcolm Rodwell, after which the Provincial party retired from the chapter.
All were in agreement that this was a most successful and harmonious night, both in the chapter and later at the festive board.