A particularly charitable installation was held by West Lancashire Chapter No 1403 at Southport. The chapter was honoured by the presence of the Deputy Grand Superintendent Chris Butterfield as well as the Chairman of the Southport Group Phil Stock.
The convocation was opened in due form by the outgoing first principal Adrian Hughes, before a knock at the door and the entry of Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Rob Fitzsimmons. Rob, in his customary confident and clear voice, announced the arrival of the Deputy Grand Superintendent. Chris was welcomed in and marched in proud column alongside Phil Stock and the acting Provincial grand officers. Adrian then warmly welcomed Chris on behalf of all the companions and his colleagues, John Champney, who had taken the office of second principal for the evening and Gary Turner as third principal.

The installation ceremony then proceeded in usual form, with the hard work and attention to detail of West Lancashire Chapter companions, providing an exceptional display of ritual for their guests. First principal elect Gary Turner was obligated and installed as first principal with the companions being most pleased their chapter was in safe hands. The companions were informed that due to personal commitments the existing second principal Dave Colley was absent but would remain in office and be proclaimed at the next convocation. Third principal elect, the popular companion Lee Martin, was then duly obligated and installed. The robe addresses were given by the experienced and skilful hands of Tom Harrison and Chris Wright.
The Deputy Grand Superintendent Chris Butterfield, after expressing his best wishes and the best wishes of Mark Matthews, was then presented cheques by Gary Turner for the massive value of £800 to various charities, a very princely sum indeed. Chris thanked the companions of the chapter for their generous donations. The convocation was then closed in good order.
The evening then proceeded to the festive board where the good humour and positive spirit West Lancashire Chapter is renowned for was very much in evidence. The chef at the hall had excelled himself once again, showcasing his skills with a wonderful meal with topside of beef and Yorkshire pudding, roast parsnips and seasonal vegetables and finally sherry trifle. The spirit and enjoyment of both ritual and festive board showed exactly why West Lancashire Chapter is growing so well, and its members are so popular within the Southport Group.