The Lodge was opened in the first degree at 12:30pm by the WM William Wainwright who then conducted all the normal business of the lodge before it was called off until the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at 4pm.

On this very special occasion, Travellers Lodge No 4679 brethren meeting in Warrington, Cheshire, were honoured and privileged to have the company of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews as its principal guest. Mark was accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Frank Umbers, Assistant Provincial Grand Master Stuart Boyd, Barry Jameson, the Provincial Grand Chaplin John Hall, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Barry Fitzgerald, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Peter Littlehales, the Provincial Deputy Grand Secretary Mike Southern, Provincial Grand Wardens, Anthony Humphreys and Mike Silver, Warrington Group Chairman John Tyrer, the lodge DC was Colin Latimer.
Barry accompanied Mark to take the masters chair to read the amazing history of this very accomplished lodge, that was always supported by regular visits by members of the Philippine Masons who travel frequently to this lodge and many others under UGLE. Mark then asked the WM, William if he would like to take his rightful place in the master’s chair. William then presented Mark with cheques to the various charities, £250 to West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, £250 to Warrington Masonic Hall, the charity raffle raised £300 to Woody’s Lodge Charity, assisting military and service personnel who need assistance, Warrington General Hospital League of Friends £300, assisting hospital patients and families.
Travellers Lodge in Warrington Cheshire was founded by 17 brethren associated with the United Commercial Travellers’ Association of Great Britain and Ireland (UKCTA) Inc. The founding members of Travellers Lodge were already members of lodges in and around Warrington, but because they were commercial travellers by profession, they had difficulty attending lodge meetings that were held on weekday evenings. In the early 1920s, commercial travellers were away from home and the office from Monday to Thursday. That is why, from the outset, Travellers Lodge was to meet on the first Friday of the month from September to May inclusive.
In 1977, the Masonic Hall Company asked the lodge to move their meetings from the first Friday to the third Thursday of the month allowing the Hall to be used for outside functions on a Friday evening. After considerable debate, it was reluctantly agreed! Committee meetings were then to be held on the second Thursday of each month. The September meeting was discontinued, Bye- Laws were amended to reflect the change in meeting dates.

The 16 of November meeting, at which members pledged to found a new lodge, was held at Stringer’s Assembly Rooms, Bridge Street, Warrington. After being endorsed by Gilbert Greenall Lodge No 1250 on 22 January 1924, the Petition to Grand Lodge was presented through the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire, the original petition to Grand Lodge proposed that the lodge name should be the United Commercial Travellers’ Lodge. However, Grand Lodge rejected this because it might imply that prospective members might be forced to join the UKCTA as a condition of membership.

In 1932, new Bye-Laws were adopted by the Travellers Lodge. It was a busy time for the lodge with many ceremonies carried out and the formation of a lodge social committee consisting of the WM, IPM, and SW. The tyler’s fees were 5 guineas per year, dining fee 10s 6d inclusive of wine! Rent to the Lion Hotel £8 per year. In 1939, at the outbreak of the Second World War, a letter was received from the Grand Secretary upon which the following resolution was passed: “That the next lodge meeting be held on Saturday 4 November at 3pm, with no rehearsal or social board after the meeting”. A letter was sent to all members calling their attention to the needs of the charities. Charitable donations of over £70,000 were donated in 100 years!
In 2024 at the October meeting, Peter Hayes conducted an initiation ceremony for the newest member, Bill Wainwright, who later occupied the chair of King Solomon. A ballot was conducted to make Peter an honorary member, which was unanimous, Bill then had the pleasure to present a framed certificate of achievement, recognition and appreciation from the lodge, having reached the milestone of 129 ceremonies.
With the ceremony completed, Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in peace and harmony and all retired to what was a fabulously well set up social occasion for the dining area. Frank Umbers was first to stand and gave an address to the brethren with a wonderful reflection of Travellers Lodge. Mark then reiterated many of Frank’s sentiments, adding how well the brethren supported each other at some very difficult times, and with the importance of being a member of the Royal Arch. William finally stood to mention the lodge and its founding members, in particular Ian Boswell who passed away when quite young, when he was an Assistant Provincial Grand Master for Warrington and St Helens Groups. All in all, a truly wonderful occasion supported by over 100 brethren.