There were 82 companions present to celebrate the bicentenary of St John’s of Jerusalem Chapter No 203. The prestigious event took place at the colourful Egyptian Rooms in Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope Street Liverpool. The ceremony was attended by the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews, grand officers, Provincial grand officers and companions.

The chapter has a long and distinguished record of service to Royal Arch Freemasonry in general and the Province in particular, attracting companions from various walks of life throughout its existence. The original charter of constitution was granted to companions to hold a chapter of Royal Arch Masons at Greenhalgh’s, Cable Street, Liverpool, under the name of St John’s of Jerusalem Chapter No 348. The chapter was attached to Ancient Union Lodge 348. The alteration of numbers in the years 1832 and 1863 saw the chapter becoming No 203, meeting at the Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street Liverpool, in the province of West Lancashire.
Mark was accompanied by the Deputy Grand Superintendent Chris Butterfield, the Second Provincial Grand Principal Michael Threlfall, Third Provincial Grand Principal David Barr and the Liverpool Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals Ian Sanderson. Also in attendance were three Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals, Paul Hesketh, Malcolm Alexander and John Murphy. The chapter was pleased to have in its presence the Deputy Grand Superintendent of Dumbartonshire, Robert Sawers, Past Second Provincial Grand Principal John Hutton and two Past Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals, Paul Shepherd and Samual Robinson.

A further nine grand officers were in attendance together with numerous Provincial grand officers. The Egyptian Room was looking a resplendent dash of Royal Arch colour after the Provincial team were rehearsed by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Ian Halsall and his two deputies, Gary Smith and Robbie Fitzsimmons, all was set for the much-anticipated opening of the chapter at 1:00pm prompt.
The three Principals, Stephen John Dovaston (first principal), Oliver Winder (second principal) and Raymond Parr (third principal) opened the chapter. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies then announced that the Grand Superintendent was without and demanded admission. Never ones to disappoint, he was admitted in due form accompanied by the grand and acting Provincial grand officers.
Having been welcomed by the chapter principals, Mark took the chair and sceptre of the chapter and opened Provincial Grand Chapter. After his opening remarks the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra, Peter Taylor, read aloud the Bicentenary Charter, which was then presented, together with a bicentenary jewel to the chapter first principal, at which point permission was granted for the chapter companions to proudly display their own bicentenary jewel.

Clerk in Holy Orders, Canon the Reverend Godfrey Hirst addressed the assembled companions, delivering a thought-provoking oration peppered with light humour, even managed to include ‘Winnie the Pooh’ and him playing ‘Pooh Sticks’! He then led the companions in offering thanks for the life and work of the chapter and a prayer of rededication for the future 200 years. The National Anthem was sung, after which the chapter principals reoccupied their seats. The first principal thanked the Grand Superintendent for attending on this special occasion and presented him with a list of 10 charities who had received donations from the chapter prior to the convocation.
Mark informed all present of the magnificent donations made by the chapter totalling £7,500. The following charities were honoured, each receiving £750. Friends of Tithebarn, to assist in a sensory garden and shop fit out in the Bistro Room. Guide Dogs for the Blind, for dogs to be trained and placed in Liverpool homes. LimbPower UK, to assist in the rehabilitation of ex-service personnel. The Liverpool Blood Bike, for maintenance of the vehicle. Liverpool Masonic Hall Building, for the upkeep of the building, including the magnificent room in which the meeting was held. Merseyside Water Recue. Northwest Air Ambulance. St John’s Hospice Wirral. Southport Offshore Rescue Service. West Lancashire Freemasons Charity. Mark thanked the companions of the chapter for their very generous donations. To read the history of the chapter,
David Sayce was then presented to the Mark who thanked him for his long service in his various roles connected to both the chapter and Liverpool Masonic Hall and immediately proceeded to promote him to the rank of Past Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer. Before retiring, Mark led the convocation in replenishing the chapter ‘coffers’, the charity collection raising some £282.65p after which the Grand Superintendent, grand, Provincial grand officers and guests retired prior to the closing of the convocation, after which all companions gathered for a pre-dinner reception in the Main Banqueting Room of the hall. A splendid four course meal was washed down with copious amounts of wine and port, during which the companions once again gave generously to the raffle in aid of the Chapter Benevolent Fund to the tune of £470.

The toast to the Grand Superintendent being honoured, he rose to thank once again everyone for attending, making mention of the acting Provincial grand officers, for whom this was to be their last ‘outing’ prior to finishing their year of office. He also thanked the chapter for the beautiful flowers delivered to his wife Debbie as recognition of allowing him to come out to play again. He assured the chapter, that as an honorary member he would wear this bicentenary jewel with pride and would try and visit whenever possible, dependant obviously on his other duties.
He now turned to proposing the toast to the chapter, wishing the companions the health to continue their efforts and promising to return when the chapter celebrates its 250th anniversary. The toast to the guests was received by the guests in the true traditions of Masonry, the first principal acknowledging their generosity of spirit. The chapter guests, and absent and seafaring companions were toasted before the Provincial Grand Janitor bade the assembled companions a safe journey home. All in all, a great day which hopefully will live long in the memory of all, it certainly will for the companions of Saint John’s of Jerusalem Chapter!