Brethren and guests assembled in the Geoffrey Hirst Masonic Suite which is within Woolton Golf Club to witness master elect of Dormer Lodge No 4389, Paul Boulton installed as master. The WM of Dormer Lodge, Paul Fryer, promptly at the allotted hour opened the lodge in due form and the minutes of the pervious regular meeting were confirmed and signed.

The director of ceremonies Colin Graham asked if he and the deacons could retire to attend upon the distinguished guests. Colin Graham returned to announce that Jonathan Heaton seeks admission. Jonathan, accompanied by Mersey Valley Group Vice Chairman John Gibbon together with Provincial Grand Steward Mike Fox were admitted into the lodge and took their places.
The lodge was opened to the second degree so that master elect Paul Boulton could assent to the Ancient Charges and Regulations and take his obligation. Paul Fryer then opened the lodge to the third degree so that the ceremony of installation could continue and after Paul had been installed one of the junior brethren, Paul O’Brien provided an excellent rendition of the third degree working tools. In the second degree, another junior brother Steve Newbury again provided an excellent explanation of the working tools of that degree. Closing the lodge to the first degree provided Barry Thornley the opportunity to explain the first degree working tools.
Colin Graham then took to the floor and continued the rest of the ceremony and provided the address to the WM Paul Boulton, whist Eddie Coulthard addressed the deacons and Jonathan Heaton gave the address to the brethren of the lodge. After all the officers were invested, Colin announced that the ceremony of installation was concluded; this prompted Jonathan to rise and convey heartiest congratulations to the WM from the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. After which Jonathan was pleased to thank the installing master and the DC, together with the junior brethren who had provided explanations of the working tools.
Paul Boulton rose to present Jonathan with a cheque from the lodge which was made out to the sum of £150 for the Masonic Charitable Foundation. Jonathan thanked the lodge for its generosity and said that the money was thankfully received and would be faithfully applied.

The procession to retire was formed by Colin Graham and the distinguish guests retired. All other Masonic business was concluded and the lodge closed in due to form. At the festive board Jonathan responded to the toast to his health by saying how much he had enjoyed visiting Woolton Golf Club, and he thanked everyone present for the hospitality he had received. Paul was congratulated and Jonathan wished him a happy, healthy and busy year in office and there was already planned a busy agenda for the year ahead.
Jonathan commented that the lodge seemed in better shape than when he previously visited in 2018, and he went on to comment on The Membership Challenge and to encourage brethren to join the light blues club to engage newer members.
In closing, Jonathan reminded the brethren of the Provincial Ball to be held in the Toughsheet Stadium in March 2025 and to hold Friday 9 May 2025 in their diaries to attend Provincial Grand Lodge and finally, he reminded the brethren of the importance of the charities resources and wished all present to continue enjoying their Freemasonry. The evening was ended by the tyler, Thomas Lunt, who proposed the tyler’s toast.

Story and pictures by Colin Roberts.