For the North Fylde Group, Royal Oak Lodge No 5919 is the last installation of the season and on this occasion the lodge was honoured to have as its principal guest David Thomas. David a well-known face in the group through his acting role of Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Craft. David then was promoted to the role of Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Royal Arch.

At the 2024 Provincial Grand Lodge, David was invested as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master, responsible for the Ormskirk and Bootle and Southport Groups, I don’t think that anyone would deny that it was a well-deserved promotion.
On one of the hottest days of the year, the lodge room was packed with 80 brethren, rising the temperature so much so that David authorised the removal of gloves for the comfort of the brethren. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that Provincial Grand Lodge was going to be opened with the number of Acting Provincial grand officers that were in attendance.
Being installed into the chair of this fine lodge was Andy Greenlees. Andy joined the Craft some six years ago and has been a dedicated member of the lodge. He has risen through all of the progressive offices, cumulating in his installation into the master’s chair.
Andy is a strong supporter of the newly invigorated Fylde Light Blues Club and hopes to join the committee. Andy has been an After Sales Director for Chris Allen Garages for 35 years and in his spare time likes trips out in his motor home, also spending time with his two grandchildren and his dog Jarvis. A dedicated member of his community, Andy is a member of the Jean Stansfield Park Committee and a sponsor of the Poulton-le-Fylde Gala.
Unfortunately, the current master Martin Poole, couldn’t be at the installation due to incapacity, having just undergone a knee replacement, but the lodge was in the safe hands of the immediate past master Charles Cuthill. Charles opened the lodge and diligently completed all necessary administrative business before opening the lodge to the third degree.
At the appropriate moment a familiar knock came on the lodge room door and Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Ryan Modlin entered and announced: “Outside the door of the lodge is Assistant Provincial Grand Master David Thomas, and he demands admittance.”
Preceding David was a colourful procession of grand and acting Provincial grand officers, who entered the lodge room and lined up to support him. These included Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Harry Cox and Malcolm Worsley; Peter Greathead, David Edwards, Keith Jackson, John Robbie Porter, Rev Canon John Hall, Jason Dell and the North Fylde Group Chairman John Cross.

These grand officers were accompanied by acting Provincial grand officers, Martin Clements, William Thompson, Adam Simpson, Keith Bennett, Geoff Roberts, Jez Farrar, Les Williams, Jonathan Lever, Colin Rogers, Mike Fox, Tim Plumpton, Jason Bleakley, Martin Stewart, Anthony Collins and John Donnelly.
Once the officers had taken their seats, Charles rose to his feet to formally greet David and, as custom dictates, offered him the gavel of the lodge. This was politely received and David thanked Charles before returning it to his safe keeping to enable the ceremony to continue.

Charles returned the lodge to the second degree and asked Ronnie Coles to assist him by occupying the senior warden’s chair, Stuart Brown to occupy the junior warden’s chair and Derrick Gibson to continue in his role and act as installing inner guard.
Charles then asked Alex Tomlinson to occupy the master’s chair who proceeded to open the inner workings and install Andy with all the dignity that the ceremony demanded. During the inner working Gordon Hinchcliffe presented the working tools of an installed master.
Once the inner workings were closed the master Masons were admitted and the working tools of that degree were presented by Mark Mallinson, closing to the second degree the working tools were presented by Steve Wilson, and closing to the first degree the working tools of an entered apprentice were delivered by Derick Gibson.
The address to the WM was delivered by Arthur Cartain, the address to the wardens was delivered by John Robbie Porter, while the address to the deacons was delivered by Alex Tomlinson, leaving David Thomas to deliver the final address to the brethren of the lodge.
Once the installation was complete, David took to his feet to bring the greetings and congratulations of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. David took the opportunity to thank the past master, Charles Cuthill for stepping in and together with Alex Tomlinson for delivering such an excellent ceremony. David congratulated all those who had taken part in the ceremony particularly those who had delivered the working tools.

One of Andrews first jobs was having the pleasure of presenting David with the lodge’s donations to charity which were; £600 for the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, £200 to the Masonic Food Bank appeal, £300 to the Brian House Santa Dash, £200 to the Air Cadets, £200 to The Army Cadets, £200 to the Sea Cadets, £200 to the Blue Skies Cardiac charity and £100 to Grand Lodge. David gave thanks to the brethren of the lodge for their generous donations on behalf of the recipients
The brethren then retired to the dining room to be treated to a superb three course festive board where the Master’s Song was delivered by John Darrell. A raffle was held that raised £410, which was an impressive start to a promising year for Martin. To close the evening, Bob Major delivered the tyler’s toast.