Liverpool Masonic Hall Hope Street was the location for the annual installation of Liverpool Lodge No 1547, a lodge founded in 1875. The lodge was opened in the usual manner and progressed to the third degree.

The representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews was Roy Ashley, accompanied by David Johnson Liverpool Group Chairman. They were announced and processed into the temple by the acting director of ceremonies Roy Cowley, both representatives were warmly greeted by the WM Thomas Hough. The lodge was especially pleased to welcome the visiting ‘Travelling Taverner’s’ who brought their very own unique presence to the meeting making it even more special.
Following the customary salutations, which were gratefully acknowledged, the installing master Thomas Hough proceeded with the ceremony of installation. The master elect, Geoff Roberts, was presented and duly obligated. The ceremony of installation was conducted to an excellent standard, without prompting, with great dignity and sincerity.
Upon completion of the ceremony, Roy Ashley rose to bring the congratulations of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews to the WM and thanked him for his commitment and dedication to the lodge. Roy was also keen to congratulate the installing master, the brethren of the lodge and the acting director of ceremonies Roy Cowley on the standard of the ceremony. He expressed his hope that Geoff has a successful, but most of all, a happy year in office.
Roy Ashley thanked the brethren for the donations of £100 to West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and £100 to Liverpool Masonic Hall and he assured everyone that the donations would be gratefully received and faithfully applied.
Upon the closure of the lodge, the brethren retired to a sumptuous festive board where the quality of the food was excellent and the atmosphere during the meal was lively and convivial. This lodge is very focussed on recruiting new members, whilst not losing sight of the need to bring in the right men, and the future looks very bright indeed. Long may this continue!